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ain't it warming you, the world gone up in flames?



I glanced at the clock for the hundredth time and sighed. I fell asleep in the afternoon and when I woke up I found Justin no where in the room, I called him a couple times but he isn't answering either. I wonder where he went alone since he had strictly told me that the media knows we're here so we have to be spotted together everywhere.

I just hope wherever he is, he's fine, and I'm just worrying too much.

I flipped the page of my book and continued reading. We had planned to go to the beach for the sunset but that wasn't possible since he isn't here.

Sometimes I wish I was brave enough to be by myself. It feels like after I've become this 'Princess' I'm afraid to be go anywhere alone. Without Justin especially.

He's cold, rude even. He snaps at me out of nowhere sometimes but then apologizes a while later. I think he's just very moody. But he's always checking up on me so I feel safe.

I really don't know where me and Justin stand or will stand in the near future. I still have no idea if he likes me or hates me. I think it's both but the scale tips more towards the hate side.

I can't blame him though. He's very fond of his girlfriend, Violet. He mentions her sometimes in the middle of a conversation. He'll go like, "if Violet was here, she would've done this" or "Violet hates that so much" and he says all this with a little smile on his face.

Justin smiling is a very rare phenomena. He does that a lot while we're in public but they're clearly fake because once we're back home, he seems to forget how to smile.

I don't know why Uncle Jeremy behaves the way he does with Justin, I know he's had a lot of bad reputation problems before but I don't think being so harsh on him is the answer. It only makes him more cynical.

My chain of thoughts was interrupted by a knock on the door. The person didn't say "room service" of anything so I assume it's Justin. I was just in my tank top and sweat pants and my hair were in a casual bun but it has to be Justin who's coming this late so I didn't bother.

I rushed to the door and opened it but it wasn't Justin, it was a guy I hadn't seen here before in the staff outfit. I looked around and saw no security around. They must've gone with Justin.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Room service" He mumbled lowly.

"No, I didn't ask for any, thank- HEY!" I yelled when he stopped me from closing the door and walked in.

"Give me all your jewelry. NOW!" He screamed at me, pushing me back and I panicked.

Oh no.

"I-I don't have any!" I said but he pushed me again making me fall down on the couch.

"Stop shitting me and give me all of it right away!" He growled and crawled on top of me.

"STOP!" I screamed and tried to push him away.

"If you don't have any then I'm taking you" He said and smirked in a gross way and my vision blurred with tears.

"Stop! SECURITY!" I screamed for help and he pinned my hands above me while I tried to kick him away.

"Ooo, look at that pretty rock on your finger" He grabbed my left had and brushed his finger over my ring.

"Give me that!" He said and started to pull the finger off my ring but I closed my fist tightly.

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