You kidnapped the wrong BITCH!

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A year ago

Violets POV

Walking down the street late at night is crazy I know....not to mention I'm all alone.
But its not my fault ,I was going to my friends house after my family dinner to study and sleep over ..... But my friend cancelled   cause her crazy aunt was visiting ...someone i didn't like but didn't know why . My parents didn't mind cause I'm very good at school and I always help my friends .

My name is Violent Sanchez, I'm 17 years old and live her in Brooklyn Ohio ,I moved her when I was 5 , with my mom dad and older Sister, we are your everyday normal American family.

The headlights of a black car snap me out of my train of thoughts , the car pulls over next to me and I feel my heart beat increase rapidly, My heart relaxes a little when the girl and possibly her boyfriend roll down her window and ask for directions The girl has black her and green eyes ,when she spoke she asked "Sorry to bother you do you know where the new Maria's restaurant is '' .I say " yeah , turn left make a right and your there'' .
"Thanks" she says as she rolls the window back up , They drive off but only a few feet away ,Every fiber in my body telling me to run but it was too late because as someone taped on my shoulder , and I turn around I see this guy in a hoodie as he hits me and pushes me in the car ...and I blackout.

Few months later

The door opens and my thoughts of how I got here was interrupted by the man who kidnapped me only a few months ago ,I don't know how long I've been here but I know  its been months.

"Eat up bitch" the man says as he throws the can  food and gives me water, he speaks again " You don't want to be weak when I hit you .....but then again that food won't be enough to strengthen you either " he laughs as he exist the room that's just four walls a blanket and pillow on the floor.

He leaves and I try too eat ,  nobody has come for me so I thought the next time I get a chance I'll find away out .

The man who kidnapped me also known as SCAR, as his employees call him because of the big scar beneath his eyes walked in and said times up, he grabs my hair and the throws me against the wall,he hits me and I start to cry ,and he says " what's wrong you black haired bitch dose it heart" he its me to the ground even harder this time " You should thank your friend since she's the reason your her....oh and ah, same time tomorrow " he says his last words as he leaves. I wipe the blood from my mouth and sit against the wall, What and who dose he mean by friend..... some thing I'll have to worry about later.

I look to the ground and found my hair pin , I lost that the last time he came in...when he took it from me must of dropped it,this pin could work for the door.

Tomorrow night I will try and wiggle the pin in the key hole and then see if it works ,I can't do it to night to much people pass by my door ....fetching this for scar, but tomorrow this place will be almost empty because of the party up stairs I over the guards talking about.

I lay on the pillow and under the blanket, and close my eyes.... Not that I can sleep but I try.. I need the rest and strength for tomorrow.

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Love ya'll Mwah
PS. don't forget to check out my other book

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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