The Day That Started It All.

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"Mmmm,last night was amazing".It had pretty much become my morning alarm,waking up to a different werewolf girl in my bed.

This time it was 'Bella',the werewolf girl from the 'crescent' family. we went to the same college,her family,the crescents was the most noble and influential family in our pack after my family of course.

  We were royalty,we were Pendragons. That name was enough to strike fear into any wolf,allies or not. A reputation we defend till death.
  I'm the alpha's second son Jason. Handsome,dark haired,tall,good looking,classy and my family's bastardly rich of course. Am a playboy,different girl in my bed every night since highschool...i must have fucked the majority of willing females in my pack and beyound.Asides that am brutal,reckless,arrogant,stronger...Mother says i was born on full moon,which was supposed to be really really rare.maybe that explains the 'rare' case of heightened abilities i possess.

Unlike normal werewolves my age,I have increased strength, hearing,smell,sight name it.besides those dad says i show the highest amount of restraint during full moons,he thinks that is  because i was born on a full moon,*scoffs*,i don't know much about that,werewolf mystical knowledge was never my thing back then at home.

  Bella rolled out of my bed,still naked from last night and stretches before walking into the bathroom,she's beautiful no doubt but that was one of my gifts i always attracted the 'finest' of the 'female species' night after night to my bed.I checked the time and it read 7:49am.T would be awake by now,he's always been inquisitive about why i've slept with Bella twice in the past week.he knows i get bored with them after the first time.

  T was short for Terick,my best friend from childhood.A werewolf too he shared my apartment with me and we do almost everything together.we're more like brothers too,since my elder brother Thomas is too busy been 'alpha schooled' to care about spending time with his siblings.I didn't care,I stopped caring a long time ago.actually i've stopped caring about a lot recently,even college,but mother says i have to understand humans better and dad thinks it'll help me run the affairs of the pack as part of my many Royal obligations when my brother becomes alpha.

  "You know for a werewolf prince you really seem to love those fictous-vampires"bella walked out the bathroom noticing the vampire posters that covered my walls.she had a towel wrapped around her that stopped a high mark above her knees.her hair still wet revealing that she was fresh out of the shower.

  "You know for a one nightstand you really notice a lot and you  ask lots of questions"i fired back.
Bella was wild too she loved partying,but she was also easy going a trait i admired...but i wasn't one to display any sort of emotion except anger.

"I'm just curious"she says
"besides its safe to say we're more than'one nightstanders'"she walks to her clothes on the floor

"cause if i remember correctly,it's the third night this week."she finishes.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night"i huffed.making my way to the bathroom i stop at the door,with my back turned to her i say in a corcky tone

"you'll be gone by the time i'm out of the bathroom right??"expecting her to catch the meaning and leave and not expecting an answer i turn to close the door and I catch a glimpse of her staring at my back,I seem to have that effect on them(girls) both werewolf and human alike.

I lived in a 2-bedroom apartment,my dad bought it 6 months ago when i got into college,of course i wanted something with more class but mother been her usual self opted for something more to her taste.

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