4. The meeting

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The room was small. He was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. He felt ill. Not only because of his bad shape, he didn't know what to do. He was just a measly human, and there were probably a lot of angels sneaking around. The door slammed open and woman entered. She stood in the door for a few second and then she quickly closed it behind her.

" Castiel, good to finally meet you. " She said, and a carefull smile lit up her face, but it wasnt a kind smile. He didn't awnser. He just sat there. The door opened again and the woman greeted the two men that entered with a quick nod.

Suddenly the angels tensed. It was almost like they, suddenly, was paralyzed by something, or was it just some sick game they was trying to pull off? A few seconds passed but it felt like hours. Eventually Castiel lifted his head enough to see the other angels, but to his surprice they wasnt facing him. In the corner of the room a siluette was visible. He thought he saw a glimpse of a pair of wings. They looked unnatural (it was wierd for him, as an ex-angel to think of anything as unnatural), he had never seen anything like them. His human eyes were bad, he had to focus hard to even see anything (why were the lighting so bad?). He really tried to pull himself together but it was hard when every part of his body decided that didn't want to obey him at all. He winced. A quiet disapproval grunt left him as he pushed himself up a bit more, he managed to lleave the chair and get himself up to a standing position. Apparently the angels disliked his action and one of them turned around, against him. His amused expression was long gone.

" Boys " a female voice said, with a condescending tone.

Even tough she spoke to them both her eyes was fixed on Castiels nearest captor, she did not seem to mind Castiel at all. Or maybe she did not see him as a threat because he could barely remain standing.

" Adonael, lleave Castiel be " she continued.

Adonael, that name was familiar. He was an arkangel.

" Do you know what he did to me, to you.... to all angels!? He made us fall, every single one. Cursed to continue or lives on this dreadful planet. He has to pay for what he has done! "

He could not read her face. She had a amusing grin on her face as she for a few seconds placed her gaze on Castiel. Castiel quivered below her gaze, she radiated something foreign that made him uncomfortable.

" Im no angel, and Im going to take this human with me. " she said and once again looked at Adonael. Castiel was happy to escape her gaze. " If you try to stop me I will kill you. "

Adonael laughed and shook his head " No way bitch, he is mine. Three against one! ". The woman still had a confident smile on her face as she grabbed her angel blade.

" As you wish "

As she focused her eyes on Adonael every glimpse of humor had gone from her face. She looked badass as Dean probably would say. Adonael seemed to share Castiel's thoughts, but he was to confident (and dumb) to pull back. The other two angels were alredy gone. But he wanted revenge, he was to blind to see.

With a bit of hesitation Adonael threw himself forward towards the woman with his angel blade in the right hand. She reacted instantly. She had easily avvoided his attack. Adonael was suprisingly quick and his next attack actually got her. The blade created a cut on her left arm, she did not flinch at all. Their fight was like a fatal dance. Beautiful but deadly. Who should he cheer for? Adonael clearly wanted to kill him, but the woman, this mystical creature he did not know of, what did she want?

At last Adonael was almost out of the game. He breathed heavy and his body started to deceive him. The dance got out of rythm, he stumbled multiple times as he tried to break trough her defense in desperate attempts to save himself. It was clear who the winner was going to be. With one last effort he made a unexpected attack, he catched her off guard. His blade found it's way trough the womans chest. Adonael had a victorious smile on his face. But nothing happened, she should be hurt, or even worse (dead!). But she just laughed and pulled the bloody blade out of her chest.

" That hurted a bit, i'll give you that. " she said, as she threw his blade away.

Both Castiel and Adonael stared at her. A million feelings flushed trough him. Was he scared? impressed? Maybe both.

" W..ww..w " The almost-dead angel cleared his throat from the surprise. " What are you? " Adonael mumbled. He was clearly scared, terrified, he was going to die. Her smile was once again warm, almost a bit friendly. She leaned forward, towards Adonael's ear and whispered something Castiel couldn't hear. She pulled away.

" Im sorry, but I did warn you. "

Before he could say anything she pierced the arkangel with her blade and an intense white light filled the air.

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