Rule Number Two: Just Don't Get Attached

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"I can't believe that I let you drag me here." Sophia instantly regretted her decision when Mason finally parked his car in front of the party.

The house was brighter than a disco ball as lights streamed out of it in every direction. The sounds were blasting of the walls that Sophia was so frightened that it would explode.

"Relax, would you."Mason said as he and Sophia started to unbuckle their seat belts.

They went out of the car and walked to the door, but before Sophia could even grab the doorknob, Mason grabbed her wrists.

"Rule number two" Was all he said as he stared in her eyes seriously.

"What?" She scrunched both her eyebrows in confusion.

They were just two people standing awkwardly in the middle of the doorway where anyone can open the door and hear what they're saying. No biggie.

"Rule number two just says that you shouldn't make any connections with any of the guys in there." He pointed his finger to the door. "but if you do score a guy, you should still be open minded to the idea of break ups. If that does happen, you should still be the confident bitch you are no matter what." He let out a smirk on that last part.

As much as she hated to admit it, it made her laugh as well.

Mason couldn't wait to let her tremble in the full glory of a teenage party.

He opened the door and the word 'stereotype' was given a whole new meaning. This was a million times worse than Aaron Samuel's halloween party. Regina George dressing like a slut included.

There were couples making out in literally every corner, gender didn't matter. There were guys drinking there and other guys drinking like crazy. Teen girls were drunk enough that they were shamelessly flaunting all their curves in front of the eyes of many players and man sluts.

Sophia just wished that what happened to her would never end up happening to her

Now that she looked closely, she wasn't even sure if she was really drunk.

"Behold!" Mason waved his arm around the horror show in front of her.

"Your first party." He boldly stated. why he was so proud was beyond her.

Sophia looked back and saw a tanned girl who kissed Mason in the short time that she passed him. He seemed very content with himself while Sophia was standing there giving him a very awkward look.

"What?" He questioned her expression after he got of his dreamland.

"Is that all you do here?" She asked him.

He scoffed, clearly offended with what she said as he fixed the collar of his jacket.

"No. Sometimes we get a bed." He said and made Sophia quickly wish that she didn't even bother asking or even thinking about it.

Mason looked across the room. Sophia followed his eyes which lead to the eyes of the same tanned girl whom he kissed earlier and she was sending him a flirty look which made him smirk.

"You go get a drink and mingle. Don't drink too much. I will be over there" He pointed towards her. "attending to some unfinished business." He said before walking away.

She was practically only wearing lingerie and animal ears. Living proof of Regina George.

As Sophia scanned the room, she finally processed that she was all alone in her first party. Not good.

She did the first thing anyone would do in times like this: get a drink.

She scooped some punch looking thing in her red cup and smelled it. Definitely beer.

She decided to take Mason's advice and only filled it halfway. The yellowish brown liquid was making her second guess herself , but you know, what the heck.

Without a second thought, she took a swig at it and almost choked.

"Hey you." A voice called her. It was the host of the party. If only she could remember his name. Dammit.

"Hey! Um..." She honestly tried her best to remember his name.

"Blake?" He asked as if to wonder if it rang a bell.

"Right!" She pointed her fingers at him and bent her knees as if she solved a super hard puzzle.

"You made it and with Mason I presume." he charmingly asked her.

She just gave her a quick nod.

"You wanna dance?" He asked her invitingly.

Should she?

Should she not?

Listen to Mason?

Listen to her conscience?

Before she could respond, he grabbed her hand and excitedly led her in the center of the dance floor.

She was a little bit tense you know, being in the middle of everyone. If she slipped up and embarrassed herself everyone would be able to see, laugh and take pics with their phones.

"Relax." Blake said. He probably sensed her obvious insecurity.

Slowly, she started loosening up until she ended up pressed against his front and doing that dance that would only appear in a 50 cent video.

Mason saw Sophia dancing after breaking up his more-than-kissing make out session with Metaphorical Regina George and felt happiness and uneasiness about seeing Sophia with his friend.

Happiness because she was learning how to let lose and was obviously applying rule number two.

Uneasiness because he wasn't comfortable with watching her grinding against his friend.

Yes he felt something that grew everyday, but he would never admit it.

He kissed metaphorical Regina harder. She thought that she was turning him on hardcore, but in all reality, he was just trying to remove all thoughts of her out of his head.

They were feeling each other in a very sensual and semi-inappropriate way that would not be rated PG in any way. This was a scene that parents would have to shield their children's eyes to prevent them from getting scarred in any way.

Back to Sophia, she was finally enjoying herself. She questioned herself for allowing herself to go to the party, but she was actually enjoying herself.

Maybe letting loose wasn't so bad after all.

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