Great Way to Start the Day

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"Dude! Come quickly!" Joshua ordered across the collapsed hallway.

"I can't jump that!" Robin cried

A wall collapse near him.

"Hurry up or we're toast!"

The floor beneath Robin begins to crumble.

"Aw crap!"



"Dude. Dude. Get up. Snap out of it."


"You overslept again, asshole. God dammit Robin. Get your shit together." Joshua commented in dissatisfaction.

Joshua Aden is Robin's closest friend. Joshua is a very thin guy with long, shiny black hair, and is taller than Robin. He wears a beanie, and always wore skinny jeans and a graphic t-shirt of some rock band.

"Sorry man, haven't gotten enough sleep."

"You haven't gotten enough sleep? Dude I've been up studying!"

"Studying? Oh crap! The test! I forgot!"

"Not only that but we're already late for school, you dick."

"Go on without me! I'll catch up with you later!"

"Sigh. Whatever! Later!"

Joshua leaves his room.

"Well fuck. Alright. Time to get up."

Robin runs into the closet and begins to dress.

Robin Turpin is a medium-sized person with short, shaggy brown hair and brown eyes to match. He has an oval shaped face, sporting a worried expression; you didn't expect much of him based on his appearance. He wore a thin gray sweater that day.

He runs outside and heads for school. On his way there passes by a flower stand.

"Maybe I should get her these?" He thought to himself.

He checks his pockets.

"Crap, no coin... I could just, maybe take one..."

"No! I'm not a criminal."

"Then again, they are really pretty, especially that bright red amaryllis."

"And I suppose they can boost my chances with her..."

"Fuck it, I got nothing to lose."

He walks up casually and looks at them.

"Hello there sir. Care to buy some flowers for your loved one?" Asks the flower man.

"Oh no! I'm just looking."

"Take your time, excuse me while I help out this customer."

Swiftly, he takes one and runs off.

"Stop! Thief!" The flower man shouts!

"Holy crap! Holy crap! Holy crap!" Robin said repeatedly in his head.

Robin had one person in mind when committing this crime. A girl he thought was really cute, named Ava Vaux. She was about his height with short black hair and dazzling brown eyes. She had a round face with a small, cute button nose and always had a pretty smile.

He arrived at school, tired as ever but he quickly sucked it up as soon as he saw Ava. She was sitting on a bench reading alone.

"Oh man, hopefully I don't fuck this up." He thought to himself as he looks at the flowers.

"Sigh. Here goes."


"Eat shit!" Joshua shouted as he tackled Robin to the ground.

"Dude! The fuck?!" Robin yells as he gets up looking at the flowers.

"Why did you bring flowers?" Joshua asked in a confused tone.

"I brought them for-"

Robin looks over and sees Ava talk to Edward for a bit and the two walk away together.

"Never mind..."

Unfortunately for him, she already had someone she loved--a boy named Edward Strutt, who is the child of the richest family in town. He seemed tall, with well-groomed hair. He was somewhat athletic-looking, and sported a serious facial expression. He practiced swordplay, so he was pretty popular at school.

"Well whatever dude, let's get to class."

"I guess..."

"Do you still want these?" Joshua asks as he holds up the destroyed flowers.

"Nope. Let's just go to class."

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