Aug 04/14

45 2 0

*Kris also repost the post which Tao reposted previously saying 'PRAY 🙏 '

*Luhan and Yixing has been Verified on Wiebo

* Reasons why EXOSTAN'S doenst EXO to have a new album

-They Need rest

-not ready for OT11

-still hoping for KRIS to comeback 😭

~True 💔

*EXO today :

-Tao Weibo update

-Luhan's IG update

-Sehun's IG update

-Chanyeol's IG update

-Lay, Yeol ang Sehun did a photoshoot

-WYF Weibo upodate


*EXO can sing Korean,Chinese,English & Filipino 💛💙💜💚❤️💗

-Good Night 😴 busy day .

EXO ❤️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon