Another surprise

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She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes 

Hard liquor mixed  with a bit intellect 

And all the boys, they were saying they were into it 

Such a pretty face, on a pretty neck

She is driving me crazy...(HARRY STYLES-KIWI)

I almost fell off the bed cause of this insanely LOUD alarm, I set up this song yesterday and now I realize it's way too loud for the morning alarm, especially when you're not a morning person. I finally managed to dismiss it but peace was marred 5 seconds after, I could hear mum's phone ringing too. God what's wrong with these phones today, they decided to give us a heart attack. By the way I think we just woke up whole neighborhood, in 2 AM hah we somehow forgot that those bitches are sleeping, SORRY NOT SORRY. Oh and yeah we live in a flat by the way. 

After all I got up excitedly cause I was really happy for going out off this boring house, good things actually happen. When I finished my business in the bathroom I got in my room again and took phone to text Addy. I let her know that I was off to the long trip. We took last things we needed and dad locked the door as many times as he could, just a precaution if someone tries to break in.

I was dreaming about the beach, beautiful peach color sunset and the sand that was playing with the sea on the long shore, when my mom shouted -"Kids"- snapping me out of my tropic dream. Me and my brother were sleeping like pigs in the car. His head was on my lap and I was leaning towards the window, good thing I had a neck pillow so it wasn't that uncomfortable position. Just now I realized that we were actually at the airport. They didn't tell me a single word about this, I guess I'll need to ask them what the hell is going on, cause this is another surprise and to be honest I don't really like surprises.  

-"Is there anything more you're about to do but not to tell me???"-Actually I was a bit angry cause they haven't spoken to me anything about this but at the same time I was crazy happy that we're actually going somewhere far and my expression was quite indescribable but they just laughed at me so I got out and started getting our stuff out of the car.  

-"I have QUESTIONS!- I said while taking black luggage with my stuff. I just needed answers cause it looked like they weren't going to tell me many information. 

-"Try not to be too harsh with your curiosity.- Dad replied on my state taking the last luggage. He probably knew I had so many questions and he didn't want to get annoyed. Just to say, I'm very successful at getting people annoyed, especially him. 

-"WHERE.DO.WE.GO?"- I said making sure they understand every single word.

-"Do you remember Meredith, aunt's friend?"- mum asked me.

-"Yes sooooo."- I was a little bit inpatient. She's very good and kind woman from America. Couple years ago she visited us and told me like a million times that I need to go and stay at hers in California during the summer break.

-"We were talking with her before two days and she asked if we wanted to visit her in LA, which we after some complaining agreed so that means we're going to California. Also her husband is the owner of a hotel so we'll get a free apartment"- *blink* *blink* I started laughing like she just said the funniest thing in the world. 

-"Ha ha ha nice joke mum. Yeah, right I definitely didn't fall for that, It sounds too cliche."-this CAN NOT be happening.

-"You're crazy"- was all she said while turning around and heading to the airport entrance with two quite heavy bags.

-"Woah wait, does this reaction mean that this is all true"- I was running to catch her step but she just rolled her eyes on me and started walking faster. Huh she's really fast when angry. But I just couldn't help it, the truth is this all makes perfect sense but it was still like a dream to me.    

-"Can someone pinch me, please?"- I focused on one spot so I can process all of this                          -"I'll punch you if you don't stop."- brother's annoying voice interrupted with his VERY funny remark. Are they all like that or I have to be the unluckiest person to get someone whose words are annoying as mosquitoes at night?                                                                                                                        

 -"Do you really think I would just make that story right now, it's not that I have time for it"- mum was now jelling at me. Huh, okay I was exaggerating, I actually slowly start to believe in this.

-"Oh my God"- yep that was when realization hit me...I almost yelled but at the last moment stopped cause I was quite sure that I already made a complete fool of myself with all those strange sounds that escaped out of my mouth. I earned some weird stares from people but choose to ignore it.


The procedure you have to go through on the airport was quite exhausting. Right now all our bags were coming out of that weird circle for bags, I never liked that thing I don't know why but it's the truth. The fact that I was about to go to California was still on my mind, I can't explain how strange I actually felt. I have been traveling in some countries but never this far. Yeah it's far cause I live in the small country in the South Europe, so America is really really far. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts. We will take off in a few minutes so we wish you to enjoy the flight"

It was 5 am when stewardess ordered this on speaker. I picked the seat by the window and mom was next to me, It was really comfortable place to sit and the view was awesome but I was really tired from all off this and even tho I was in the plane I soon feel asleep like a baby.




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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2019 ⏰

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