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I dropped my phone and started shaking.

She's lying, Topanga.

I tried to tell myself but the words weren't cincere. I ripped off his oversized hoodie and thew it at the wall, tears breaking out.

He wasn't loyal.

My trust failed to work, just in a blink of an eye. By now my makeup was ruined and my hair a mess.

That's what one boy can do to me.


"Thank you for letting me know, Mam" my voice cracked as I tried to be strong for her. A synchronised appology was said and she was gone like that, my pride and joy joining her.

I opened my text messages, trying to steady my heavy breathing.


( Brad >

< Look T, I'm so sorry, I really am sorry )

( No >

< What do you mean no? )

( Twice, Bradley. Twice you've done this and you expect it to be okay! >

( The world isn't always a fan fiction >

( Get your head out of one >

< I bet you went around kissing boys when I'm not home. )

< Oh let me name one. Jonah Marais )

( But I didn't did I? >

( Its called being loyal. Try it, it'll do you good. Fucking man whore >

< Fucking lying hoe. )

( What's gotten into you Brad? >

( I LOVE a sweet, sweet boy. >

( Your not it >

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