Frenchy awoke first right at dusk. (She had a habit of that from her old home.) She first got a drink of the semi polluted stream then went to the top of the bridge to watch the remaining sunrise. The rest would'nt be up until around eight o'clock.
"Why do you always get up so early? Always at dusk everyday, I don't understand." Dane said coming up onto the bridge from behind her.
"Oh I did'nt see you there... well everyday in Paris with my owner Matilda we did it, I guess it's tradition." She replied looking back at him. He had come an sat next to her now.
"I had an owner once... Only When I was a pup though.. I barley remember. But it must have been nice to have almost you're hole life." Dane proclaimed back to her as he looked at her then back to the sun that was rising over the horizon.
"It was..." She trailed off.
"Well the others are going to be up soon we have a long day ahead of us and we could really use food." He said changing the subject.
"Okay. well I've onley been here a week, how does this work?" Frenchy questioned.
"Ha ha, we'll go out in partners then hunt for food and meet back here." He exclaimed almost laughing.
"I'm sorry I've never hunted before, it cant be that hard... well should'nt we wake them now?" She asked her accent standing out.
"Yeah." He replied. "Come help?" He said as he motined his head to follow him.
"Sure" She responded, then followed him to the stream where they all slept. She went over to Ox.
"It takes alot to wake him up!" He said the laughed.
"WOOF ROOF WOOF!" He barked. Then Roxy jumped up.
"I'm up, I'm up!" She said then yawned "What you Gonna do to get fat-so up over there?" She asked.
"It's not nice to call names.." Dane scolded back jokingly "I'm just gonna do the usual." He then sat down right next to Ox who was on his back snoring loudly and drooling. Dane touched him with his paw. He flinched. "AROOOOOOOOO!" Dane howled scaring a flock of crows away. He laughed after.
"AH!" Ox screamed jumping to his feet. Everyone started laughing. "NOT FUNNY!" He snarled, drool still slipping down his mouth.
"Why did'nt you do that to get them both up?" Frenchy asked curiously.
"Because then Roxy wouldnt have been able to watch!" He replied still laughing. Ox growled.
When everything started to settle down Dane started to talk about the day. "Okay we'll be splitting into groups this time, because it's equal. So we'll hunt all around the city does't matter where you go just find food. Okay now I'll be going with Frenchy try show her around more and you to Roxy and Ox can go together. Lets meet back here every two hours to make sure every things okay." Dane announced. Then walked to Frenchy. "Follow me." He commanded. Then walked out of under the bridge.
"Wait up!" Frenchy hollered to Dane who was about 30 yards ahead of her. He stopped and looked back waiting for her. Frenchy let out a sigh. And trotted along next to Dane on there way out to more of the city.
"This is it!" Dane said sitting down over looking the some-what nice Detroit.
She gasped. "It's It's soooo..... um well its kinda sorta nice? Paris was'nt like this. It was clean.. At least cleaner." She muttered.
"There working on that and it's not as bad as it used to be." He responded back.
"who's th-." Dane cut her off.
"Lets keep moving."
He then started on towards some buildings. Frenchy walked beside him keeping pace. He soon stopped in front of a building.
"This is Liew's Place its a restaurant, I normally find lots of scraps here. Let's check the dumpster." He proclaimed, hoping to find meat scraps. He then walked to the alley the dumpster was in. Frenchy followed. As he jumped into the dumpster. Coming out a few minutes later with some ribs and a barley touched steak.
"You're choice." He said. "Ladies first."
"well I'm normally in the restaurant.."
"If you don't eat you'll starve there's not many choices." He said back with concern in his eyes and deeply sighing after.
"Okay. I guess it'll be the steak then." She muttered then picked it up.
"Cool ribs are my favorite but i'd give them up if you still wanted them." He said then picked the meat up.
"How sweet.'' She replied then swallowed the rest of her steak. They then started walking on more. Time was running out before they had to be back.
Dane stopped right there while they where walking in front of some apartments. He turned towards the alley ear's up.
"Whats wrong?" Frenchy asked looking torwords him. All she herd were some other dogs and a slight whimper.
"I don't know, But somethings up, and I'm gonna find out." Dane replied with a serious look on his face."
"What? Don't go down there you could get hurt!" She pleaded.
"Stay here." He commanded. Then started down the alley before she had a chance to reply.
........................................................................................................................................................................................... What do you think will happen?? Vote and comment please!!!