Chapter Two!

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Chapter 2

Marissas POV

30 minutes into the two hour dance session, I knew something was wrong. I had gotten used to the dull throbbing that always ensued when I moved a lot, but somehow that pain was more intense.

It was probably because I avoided working too hard for a few years, limiting the work I did. Now that I was finally using my joints a lot, they were getting back at me for the years of being unused. I pushed it back in my mind however, and attempted to concentrate on the steps I was being shown.

Throughout the whole thing though, I coudnt shake the feeling that someone was watching me. If i were to guess, i would say it was my roommate. I disregarded it as another wave of pain hit me.

We have a break in a few minutes, I told myself, Just hold on until then!

After learning a new series of pop and locks, Brian Friedman let us off of the sweaty stage.

Thats it, I said to myself. I was going to tell someone about my arthritis. I walked off the stage towards Simon's room. As I got closer, I heard voices inside. I was just about to knock when something perked my interests.

Brian was arguing with Simon about some of the dancers. He was saying that some of them just weren't trained for this kind of routine and

That Simon shouldn't expect miracles. That made me feel a bit better until Simon spoke up.

"that's ridiculous! If they aren't ready to handle this now, they never will be! And honestly, who wants to go to a show and watch someone just sit there singing? I know we can't make cuts today but we are certainly making judgements." Simon said.

Oh no, I thought. They are going to cut me tomorrow if I don't do well!

I immediately backed away from the door and ran to my room, not mentally prepared to hear the rest of the conversation. I opened my door then closed it quickly. Once inside my room, I covered my face and slid down the door, sobbing, and thinking I was alone.

"they'd understand, you know," said a fragile voice.

Having only heard it once or twice I didn't immediately recognize it. When I looked up, completely shocked that someone was in the room, I was staring right at my roommate Isabella.

"oh god, I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be in here..." I trailed off, embarrassed that she had seen me cry.

"it's okay, I rarely am! But honestly, if you just tell them about the arthritis, they wouldn't hold it against you." she said, her mouse like voice squeaking in a really cute way.

"no, I don't think they would," I chocked out, before I fully comprehended what she was saying.

"wait! How did you know about that?" I asked, panic rising from me.

"oh," she said, pink now flushing her cheeks, "well I couldn't help but overhear your conversation from the bathroom. You didn't think I was here and I didn't want to interrupt you... Sorry."

I paused before answering so I could process the information. "it okay but Bella, sorry Isabella, you can't tell anyone. I overhead Simon talking to Brian and, trust me, they aren't making any exceptions... I just have to do it."

I got up when I realized I was still crouched against the door and made my way to the bathroom. I splashed water on my face in a vain attempt to correct my blotchy skin from crying. I didn't have to touch up my makeup since I don't wear any.

"you can call me Bella... I mean, if you want," Isabella said from the doorway to the bathroom. "but most of my friends just call me Izzy."

I looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled lightly. "okay Izzy. We'd better get going then... We have and hour and a half of dancing left to do."

we walked together on our way back

to the stage. For whatever reason, I had a feeling that I could become very good friends with Izzy.

Izzy's POV

People thought I was quiet. I was, but not because I was antisocial or anything, just because listening was a better way for me to get information.

Because of that fact about me, I knew exactly when things started going sour with my roommate. She was probably the cheeriest contestant in the competition; showing up with a huge smile every single day and always seemed truly happy for everyone else's feats but upset and startled at their misfortune.

In general, Marissa was an incredible person. So when she started to cower as Louis announced the challenge, I noticed. Gone was her bubbly personality and its place was held by a cold fear she tried hiding.

I knew all the back ways of where we were staying so I got to our room faster than her once we were allowed to leave.

I knew she would get there quickly because I saw her leave immediately after Simon finished his speech. Creepy, I know, but I went into the bathroom and touched up my hair so I could find out what was wrong with her.

When I heard the conversation between her and her doctor, I was shocked. It wasn't even one sided as her volume was just loud enough for me to make out what this "dr miller" was saying.

I couldn't believe that the girl with such a likable demeanor went through so much pain on a daily bases. If I were in her shoes, I would honestly live in a constant pity party for myself.

Despite having figured out her secret and wanting to help, I didn't know what I could do. I tried telling her that Simon would understand but I don't think she listened.

Now, as she attempted the series of dance steps, I saw her pain begin to double. God I wanted to help her! I somehow knew that if our positions were reversed, she'd be the first one to help me out. But I kept going back to the same old question; how? Well, however It happened, I knew I would find someway to give her a hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2012 ⏰

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