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               Hi, I'm Amanda Sheiman, and I've never had a boyfriend. I know, I know! I'm 16 and have never had a for-real kiss, let alone a real boyfriend! I mean I "dated" this guy Tyler, but it was long distance and didn't count. And my "first kiss" was stolen boy Ben Lankoln in Kindergarten. Pathetic, I know. But you know, I have felt love before. Heck, I've fallen in love before. And you'll find it crazy, but, I didn't fall in love with him from afar, or I didn't, "fall in love at first sight." I fell in love with almost the complete opposite, I fell in love at his first word. And his first words to me weren't even a compliment or something funny, they were just him introducing himself. They were him saying, "Hey, I'm Jacob."

*************************************************************************                                       Hey guys, so I started reading through my original "Love At First Word". And I was ashamed. Okay, that may be a stretch but I knew I could totally write better than that. So, I started re-doing the story. And I ended up changing the plot like completely. Hope you enjoy the re-edited version of 'Love at first Word'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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