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I'm not a super shy person.

In fact, I'm pretty out there.

I'm fairly popular. Everyone knows me, and almost everyone likes me. I openly make jokes and put myself in odd and public positions.

To teachers, I'm a kind and smart kid. I get good grades and join clubs.

But with Paul, I can't seem to tell him how I feel. I've never lacked this much confidence.

But Paul was special. He made me shy.


It was finally the weekend.

Next week I'd be selling tickets for homecoming.

But this weekend was devoted to me and my friends.

We all agree to meet up at an amusement park. In addition to the amusement park is a water park, so we all had to bring swimsuits, too.

We started at the amusement park. We rode roller coasters, and I clutched to Paul. I wasn't terrified, but I used it as an excuse.

We played carnival games, like basketball and darts. Paul won four games of darts. He won me a giant stuffed purple minion from Despicable Me, Owen a big green stuffed snake, Sophie a blue monkey with Velcro hands, and he won himself a ridiculous pink cowboy hat that he insisted he wore.

We stopped to rest and eat fries before heading to the water park. We all split some cheese fries and some chili fries.

"Why'd you choose the purple minion," Paul asked, still chewing a fry, "instead of a normal one?"

"Because he's so cute!" I argued, holding him—Todd, as I named him—in the air, flailing him in front of Paul.

"But he's evil!" Paul screamed back, laughing.

"And is am I!"

"You're not evil!"

"I am on the inside!"

We were all laughing at this point, enjoying one another's company.

Owen swallowed a fry and turned to Paul. "How did you get so good at darts?" he questioned.

Paul shrugged, grabbing another fry. "Dunno. I guess I just have a gift."

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Are you at least going to take off that ridiculous hat? You look ridiculous."

Paul held a hand to his heart in mock offense. "Never! It makes me feel pretty!"

Soon, we all put on our swimsuits. It was hard to find a place to put our towels, but we soon found a spot that was virtually deserted. We put valuables in lockers, as well as our prizes.

We raced down water slides, swam in the wave pools, and rode tube rides together. We laughed and talked and had fun.

Eventually, we dried ourselves off. We grabbed funnel cakes and threw powdered sugar on each other.

Owen insisted we go to the kiddie rides. All of the 'roller coasters' were slow, small, and boring, but I had never had so much fun. I was with my friends, and that was enough.

We decided to end the day with the classic Ferris wheel.

By this time, it was already dark out. The line was long, and it was cold, but we waited.

"Only two per cart," the ride attendant said.

Sophie dragged Owen on to the first cart, throwing me a wink. I found my heart pounding furiously, and my breath caught in my throat. Paul and I didn't spend much time alone because I always freaked out around him.

Paul grabbed my hand and pulled me on to our cart. It was green. Number 8. I found all these little details to distract myself from what was happening.

"Are you okay?" Paul asked once the wheel started moving. "You're oddly quiet."

I shrugged, looking down. "It's nothing," I assured him. "Just tired."

Paul nodded. He had put his cowboy hat back on. I clutched Todd.

We got towards the top, and I shivered.

Paul looked concerned. "Are you cold?"

I shrugged. "A little."

Paul immediately pulled off his hoodie and wrapped it around my arms. I tried to give it back, but he insisted. "I don't need it," he argued. "It's fine."

I smiled and blushed.

"You know," Paul commented, "we don't get much alone time."

I shrugged again.

Paul continued. "I wish we did. You're cool. And funny."

I barely took notice that our cart was lowering back to the ground. Slowly. Ever so slowly.

"Is there anything you haven't told me about you, Natalie?"

A breeze hit. I pulled Paul's jacket tighter around me. It smelled like powdered sugar and honey. I smiled. "I dunno. What do you want to know?"

Paul hummed in thought. "Tell me everything about you. Favorite color. Favorite food. Biggest pet peeve."

I nodded. "Well, my favorite color is purple. You know I love burritos. And my biggest pet peeve is... slow walkers. Oh, and those people that say 'like' all the time."

Paul chuckled, and I smiled. His laugh was so great. "That's, like, fantastic."

I frowned. "Really?"

Paul shrugged. "I, like, had to do it."

I glared at him.

"Fine, I'll stop."

"What about you?" I asked.

"Well, I like the color green. I love fries, and I despise people who are fake. People who can't be themselves are so annoying."

I nodded in understanding.

A big gust blew, and my hair went everywhere. Paul smiled. "Let me fix it," he insisted.

I reluctantly let him do it, feeling my body grow hot despite how cold it was.

Paul leaned in, his hand brushing the hair out of my face. His head was so close to mine that his hat touched my head. He seemed to be leaning in further. Was he going to kiss me?!

"Yo, Paul!" Owen yelled, already on the ground.

Paul pulled back quickly. Sophie stepped on Owen's foot. "What the heck was that for?" He asked.

Our cart was unloaded next.

I was sad to see the night end. I wish I knew what would have happened if Paul kissed me on the Ferris wheel. It would have been just like the movies.

But, I was just his friend.

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