New sibling!

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Crystals point of view-

(Crystal is in 6 he grade and is a car rider for your information, anyways, enjoy!)

Where's mom?! She WAS supposed to be here an hour ago.

Wait, I think I see the car!!!

Crystal- "Mom! What took you so long!?"

Mother- "Sorry hun, I was busy, anyways, be nice to your new sibling!"


Mother- "No! I wasn't pregnant, I adopted a child so you could have a sibling!"

Crystal- "oh"

Crystal gets in the car and talks to snow for a good 20 minutes then hops in the car and they drive to their house where they show snow her room and have a house tour, and hour later they wanna go to the park, well mostly snow wanted to go.

Snows point of view-

Snow- "YES! THE PARK!" *Jumps around like a pup*

Mother-"Everybody get ready and change for the park!"

Snow- "Lemme look for clothes..." *Open closets*

Snow looks through the closet for 15 minutes before finding something nice at the back the closet

Snow looks through the closet for 15 minutes before finding something nice at the back the closet

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Snow- "Sis!" *Goes to her room* "Sis, can you do my hair?"

Crystal- "Sure! Sit here!" *points to a chair*

Snow- *Sits*

Crystal- "Uhmmmm."

Snow- "What?"

Crystal- "Your ears."


Crystal- "Uhm, sorry. I wasn't going to but how am I going to do your hair if your ears are in the way?"

Snow- "Oh, I'll hold them down. "

Crystal- "alright!"

Snow holds down her ears so Crystal can do her hair. She makes a nice pony tail and finishes

Snow thanks crystal and goes to the front door waiting for crystal and her mother who are still getting ready

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Snow thanks crystal and goes to the front door waiting for crystal and her mother who are still getting ready.

Her mother and crystal go to the front door and meet with snow and go to the park.

TO BE CONTINUED BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. Thanks you for reading.... if anybody even is reading this.... ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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