Part 1

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Nightwater was a warrior of RiverClan. But she wasn't your average warrior. She was a happy outgoing cat but she was always ready to fight for what she thought was right. And if you got into a fight with her you better watch out. She was a very harsh fighter. She could rip your pelt off with one swipe of the paw. Become friends with her and she will defend you with her life. Everything was fine but one moon, all that changed...

It was a normal day in camp. Sun was shining and the freshkill pile was stocked. Nightwater was taking a swim in the river with her friend Beaverfang. Fish were rapidly swimming away as their paws churned through the water. Beaverfang swam under and arose with a fish squirming in his jaws.
"Hey you want it? Huh Nightwater? I'm gonna give it to you!" He tilted his head jerking it towards her and chucked the writhing fish into her face.
"Hey!" Nightwater rose her paw and bat his head before continuing to swim.
They had known eachother since they were kits. Always messing around with each other or sharing tongues and fresh-kill. Every cat in the Clan was waiting for her to say she was expecting Beaverfang's kits. Which she would have to keep insisting them they were just friends.
"So, Nightwater when are you gonna tell us?" They would say.
"Tell you what?" Nightwater would responded obviously knowing what was coming next.
"That you and Beaverfang are mates."
When ever Nightwater heard this she would look them in the eye and sternly say.
"We are just friends. Ok?"
Which they would just respond with, "Ok, ok..." cleary not giving up their suspicions.
Nightwater would just roll her eyes and walk away.
Still swimming with Beaverfang, the two of them went to shore and found a nice shady spot under a willow tree to chat.
"So," Nightwater began, "Do cats also bug you about us being mates? Cus I swear to StarClan that everytime I walk into camp all are Clanmates ask are "Are you and Beaverfang mates yet? When are you and Beaverfang going to have kits? You and Beaverfang are so cute together! Anything going on between you guys? And so on..."
Beaverfang looked at her dark blue eyes. "Yes!" He totally understood. "Early today when I was at the fresh-kill pile, Sleekfeather came up to me and was like, Are you and Nightwater, not friends anymore? Like are you two mates? And I just looked at him and said. Sleekfeather. Me and Nightwater are friends nothing else. Only friends. And then I walked away." Beaverfang said slightly laughing.
"Yeah." Nightwater responded looking at the wavering willow leaves. They were so peaceful. Her pure black fur dappled with the small streaks of sunlight that were able to be filtered through the leaves. Beaverfang's rich brown tabby fur rippling in the breeze. Nightwater leaned forward rubbing her muzzle against his cheek purring.
"Your an amazing friend Beaverfang, I love you." Nightwater whispered to him. Beaverfang purred back. "I love you too Nightwater." They sat there under the willow for a couple more heart beats before Beaverfang leaped up and pounced onto Nightwater's back, "As a friend of course!" He yowled as they tussled together in a ball of fur.
"Hey!" Nightwater yelled rolling onto her back scrunching up her hind legs before propelling him into the river. She burst with laughter as Beaverfang crawled out of the river soaking. He walked right up to her and shook his pelt showering water all over her.
"Who's laughing now!" He exclaimed.
"Me!" Nightwater said as she rammed her head into his shoulder sending him toppling right back into the river.
Beaverfang spluttered water from his mouth while trying to speak.
"Fine! Fine! I give up!' He came back onto shore.
They continued to chat about things going on in the clan or what gossip had been spread.
When the was at its highest point, they decided to catch some fish and bring it back to the camp.
The moment they walked in the entrance all cats were eyeing them suspicion glinting in their eyes.
Nightwater just looked at them and just rolled her eyes before putting her fish on the fresh-kill pile.
She went off to her den with Beaverfang and curled up in her nest of moss lined with reeds.
Her thoughts began to wander. Would she ever even want to have kits? There's no cat in the Clan she could imagine becoming mates with. Not even Beaverfang. Giving birth just seemed strange to her. She can hardly picture her with tiny bundles of fur suckling at her belly.
She can't even remember those times. She never even knew her real mother and father. Her father had drowned when the river was flooded and her mother died giving birth to her. No one ever even told Nightwater her mother's name. Ever since she was barely a day old, she was brought into the nursery to be cared for by Lilycloud, Beaverfang's mother. He was the only kit in the litter and was like a brother to her.
Nightwater was told about her true parents the second she was able to hear. She never really thought about it much to be honest. Lilycloud never brought it up. She would often tell her stories about when the Clan's were born or how she came to name her Nightkit. She would tell her that she opened her eyes very early. Just a few days after birth. Lilycloud never knew what to name her. But when she saw her eyes. The beautiful deep blue depths she knew that her name would be Nightkit. She also named her after her gorgeous black pelt. Nightwater liked knowing that she was named after her beautiful eyes and fur. She loved Lilycloud like she was the one to give birth to her. She was always so kind and sweet. Her mind suddenly became foggy and soon she was unconscious in the world of a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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