Find the words. They are deeply buried in your chest, and the weight of your emotions are concaving into your mental stability.
Sinking, sinking.
It is deeper than skin, a smile. A movement; your uneasyness is blank, your eyes showing no emotion. It is percieved as dangerous; nearly terrifying.
You feel the hot, warm blood being sucked out of your body. You are soaking in your own regret.
They tell you things, whispering poisen into your ear. You breathe in the intoxications and your lungs tighten. The exhaust and acid is rusting your sensitvity. You become sworn to your own corps, a demon.
You feel it? Go on, swallow. You know the feeling, the lies. Becoming something that you promised yourself you would never be.
But let me tell you a little secret. Shh, lean in. Closer. "I could stab these words into your back and pull them right out. You are vulnerable. But It is a choice to become vulnerable"
Now, look into the mirror. Do you see yourself? Or do you see imperfections, mistakes, things that you wish you could take back?
It is only a matter of time before that becomes you, the demon posses your full potential and normality is diminshed at a blink of an eye. Become a warrior.
You are not a mistake, make yourself at the highest of your full potential. Wish for existence.