Chapter 1

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Megans Pov:

My Mum and Tydes Mum are really close friends and have been since i was born 13 years ago. My mum has to go on a work/bisness trip for 5 months and i wasnt allowed to tag along. I had no other family members as they have either died ,moved away, or hate my mother and i dont even know my dads side of the family as he left when i was born. Tydes parents were the only people she could think of would let me stay in there house as there always inviting us there but we cant afford it. I live in the south of Britian (london basically) so its a very very long flight to australia. I obviously known Tyde since I had Skype and we've been pen pals/besties for over 5 years. I couldnt last a week without texting him or skyping him ,but i have never met him in person. He is so perfect, and ive fancied him since 2 years ago, but im so shy i can never tell him. Bet now i get to spend 5 whole months with him! Think of all those hours...

My sister Katy whos 18 is also coming, she really good friends with Sage as well, she has a crush on Troye but obviouslly hes gay, i dont blame her.

We set of for are flight at 3:00am, i listened to music music for a while, but are flight was 22 HOURS LONG ,we stopped in singapore and borded another plane for the rest of the journey. I feel asleep for 2 hours but it was sooo boring. I felt a thump on my shoulder and someone calling "megan, megan...wake up !Were here." it was Katy. I flashed open my eyes. It was daylight we had arrived! It was 2pm, a great time. I stood up and grabbed my hand luggage chucking my ipod and headphones into my purse. We rushed out of the plane.

We waited for our luggage. They were apose to be meeting us. We walked down the airport scanning to see a sign with our names on it. A sign with the words 'Katy & Megan' writen on it was held in the air my Tyde. We walked towards Sage ,Tyde and Shawn there dad. I couldnt help but smile.

Tydes Pov:

I couldnt believe how beautiful Megan looked in person. Her Dark Hazel eyes and Caramel coloured skin, her rosy cheeks and Dark brown straight waist length hair. She smiled at me so i smiled back.I planned what to say to her in my head 'you look really pretty' Nope i thought, to awkward 'how was your flight?' yep, thats what im going to say. She and her sister finally reached us. "hey !" i said smiling at both of them. Her smile was so bright. "should i take your bag?" i asked pointinf to her lagguage. She replied "please." i took her bag and Dad took Katys. My sister hugged Katy and started gossiping to her. I turned to Megan, " was yiur flight?" i asked smoothly. "long!" she said.

Megans Pov:

We got to there car .Tyde and shawn put our bags in the boot .I sat next to Sage and My sister whilst Tyde sat in the front. "oh my god, your shirt is so cute!" sage said pointing at my Red and white white ombre crop top that shows my belly botton, i was also wearing denim black short shorts and black vans. "thanks" i said smiling. I looked up at the mirror and Tyde eyes caught mine. I quickly looked away being all shy.

We arrived back at there house, we unloaded are bags and went inside. Tydes mum was cooking dinner. She hugged me and said "hello dear, it most of been a hell of a flight!" i replied "its sure was, but it was worth it, australia is beautiful." being all cheesy. Sage showed us were me and Katy were staying. There was two seperate double beds and a large white wardrobe. We unpacked and joined the family for dinner. We had pasta and salad. Tyde asked "i have to film a video today, i was wondering if you wanted to join me?" suddenly Tydes mum said "im sure she wants to catch some sleep after that flight!" I replied quickly "oh no no i wold love to." i couldnt miss a chance to film a video with him. "great!" Tyde said. I finished eating and followed Tyde into his room, i sat on his bed whilst he set up the Camera. "so whats the video gonna be about?" i asked. "well, i thought we could see how well we know each other. So we both write down questions to ask each other and the one with the most correct has to wax the other persons legs." he explained. "sounds great!" i said. He told me to sit behind him and then when he mentions ny name i pop out. He started recording . "Hey guys its Tyde Levi  and today i am joined with one of my best friends!" i moved fron behind his back and waved ti the camera "Megan!" he said pointing to me. "she staying at my house for a while so yeah " he said. "today we are going to see whos  knows each other best, we each have 5 questions and the person with the most correct gets to wax the other persons legs!" He explained. "whats ny favourite colour ?" he asked me, i knew this of course "its blue!" i shouted "howd you know that?" he asked, "i watch your videos dummie!" I giggled. "whats my favourite colour?" i asked , "blue!" he said smiling ."ive not even told you that before. " i said ." well your whole rooms blue so it has to be!!" he exclaimed. "whats my religion?" he asked. this one was to obvious "your Jewish" i said. "what my religion?" i asked. "ummm ,i have no idea!" he sighed. "im a christian!" i said "howd you not know that?" i said smacking his hand. "oweee" he moaned gripping his hand.I giggled as he laughed. "Have i had my first kiss yet?" he asked, "yes" i replied "thats right". "have i ?" i asked. "yeah!" he said looking me in the eyes. I shook my head. "have you not?! Wow." he said shocked. "why wow?" i asked pulling a face at him. He quickly answered "dont worry!" He asked.

"do i prefer baths or showers?"  I replied "baths" "correct" .I asked "do i prefer baths or showers?" He replied "baths!" i knodded my head. "last question... am i single?" i replied "yes!" he knodded his head, i asked "am i single?" I asked "yes?" he replied. "correct!" . "we are forever alone!" i said making a crying face, Tyde did the same and pulled ne in for a jokie hug, He was so strong and smelt like a rainbow i giggle in my head. "ok guys, thats it for today video, if you liked it give a thumbs up! Byeeeee" he said. He stopped the recording. "thats was good!" he said. "now you just have to wax my legs!" he said laughing. He decided to film me doing it. He went into the bathroom and got the waxing strips and handed them to me. He turned the camera back on and told me just to do it. His legs werent so hairy. I placed one of the strips on his leg, smoothing it down. I quickly ripped it of his leg, he let out a scream shouting "FUCK" and held his leg, i giggled at him as he did that. "Tydeeee" i heard Troye shout, i didnt even know he was home, he trailed into the room putting his head roumd the door, he laughed. "what the fuck are you doing?" he asked. "i lost against Megan in a game, so she has to wax my legs." He said smiling. "ok?" he said walking out of the room. "i dont know what hes talking about? Zoella waxed his legs." he moaned grinning at me. "should i do two at a time?" i asked joking. I placed one on each leg. "you ready?" i asked, ripping them of before he could answer. "awhhhh" he yelled checking his legs. I giggled loudly ," haha your laugh!" i covered my mouth. "its not bad though " he said . He turned of the recording again. "well that was fun!" he said sarcasticly. I grabbed his leg to check it. "Your finally a man!" i laughed. "heyy" he said pulling a sad face. i laughed more and he finally chuckled with me. "so how come you've never kissed anyone?" he asked looking at his leg not making eye contact with me. "well, nobody has ever kissed me!" i explained. "so you havent ever kissed somebody?" he asked , i knodded. "do you even have a crush on anyone?" he asked finally looking me in the eyes. "yeah but im not telling you who." i teased. "oh please!" he asked. "who do you have a crush on?" i asked him. "ill guess yours and you guess mine." he said. " you fancy...Katy?" i asked. "noooo, do you like Troye!" he asked. "Nooooo!" i said. We paused for a bit. "do you like me?" he mumbled. "do me?" i mumbled back. "You didnt answer my question" he moaned tickling my ribs. I giggled again, "you answer me and i will answer you!" i explained. "yeah...i like you..." he mumbled. "i do to..." i mumbled back. He looked up at me, he held my chin and leaned in towards me.

Tydes Prov:

I cant believe im going to actually do this. I held her chin and kissed her soft lips, she smelt like strawberry .I pulled away and she looked at me, and started giggling. I grind at her. All of a sudden Sage and Katy barged into my room! "Oh My God I knew you liked her!" Sage shouted. I blushed and i could see Megan was blushing to.  "Were you spying on us?"  I shouted throwing a pillow at sage. I was so pissed of with them. "aww ,thats so cute!" katy chuckled. I put my head in my hands so embarraressed. "Says you! You Fancy Troye!" Megan shouted. Obviously she knows hes gay. "Whatever!" she mumbled. Sage ran out of my bedroom and into Troyes room. telling him "They kissed!" i could hear hin say "i knew it!" he came in my room and jumped ontop of me.

Megans Prov:

Troye jumped on Tyde ,i guess this was to say'Congrats! You just kissed a girl you have only ever met once!' "you like my brother?" he asked me. I didnt reply i just blushed. "lets leave them alone!" Sage said. They all left ,leaving us silently sitting on the bed. Tyde finally said, "well that was ...awkward!" he laughed and i laughed with him, He held my hand .He turned me on sooo much.  He swept his hand through his dark hair.  "I better go edit the video then. " Tyde said releasing my hand. "uh, yeah...ive got to go anyway." i said standing up.  "bye." he said, I turned and smiled to him. I walked out into Sages and I's room.

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