2. The Truth

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May 10, 1994 was the day Indigo Drabek decided she hated pagers.

Despite them being fairly new and urging technology forward and making communicating easy, Indi found it a chore. Mostly in part to her best friend since childhood, kept beeping her. 

With Indi already leaving a month early from university, she had intended on spending her summer lazing about her room and avoiding her coven. 

She had managed fairly well, it now being an entire week since she last spoke to her parents or even seen the Parker Household, much less her best friend. 

This was all fine with her; she had been mostly listening to Collective Soul and Bryan Adams while working on her own to better her magic.

It was what she had been doing when her pager started beeping and wouldn't stop. To combat the beeping, Indi had cranked up her stereo-system to full blast and placed ear muffs over her ears so she wouldn't further risk damaging her hearing. 

When her door was flung open by an irate and very fed up Ivan Drabek, her stereo was sent sailing through the open window and the ear muffs magically wrenched off of her head. 

Ivan Drabek, for the most part, was glad his eldest daughter was home a month early but with how little regard she had showed to the coven, he was angry.

"Do you have any idea how much apologizing I've had to do on your behalf?" Ivan barked, not bothering to keep his voice low. 

His hazel eyes narrowed on the relaxed form of his daughter. She was draped across her bed, feet dangling off the side and her pager resting a finger's brush from her grasp on the carpet. Her eyes met his but she remained silent.

"The twins are convinced you hate them because they shouted at you. All of the children think you hate them and Joshua and Bethany are pissed." Ivan ranted. 

"As the future wife to the head of this coven,-"

"I get it!" Indi spoke up, raising her voice to keep him from going any further. His lips pressed thinly together as she rolled off of her bed and stood. 

"I get it, okay? The future of our coven depends on Liv, Luke and me, so get my ass in gear and go over there and play babysitter to my future husband."

"Do not dare take that tone with me young lady!" Ivan snapped. His eyes darkening as Indi slipped on her converse and snatched up her pager. "I will not tolerate this behavior under my roof."

Indi rolled her eyes. "Yeah, because I live here year round." She muttered under her breath. 

She shoved past him, taking the stairs two at a time and storming past her younger siblings and mom. Using her magic she slammed the front door open and stomped out of the large home; the door slammed closed so forcibly she heard the wood splinter. 

A tiny smile graced her lips that made her feel a little better. Wordlessly, she climbed onto her bike and left her home and family behind. She'd rather deal with the drama that came of having seven siblings than dealing with her family drama.

"You look like you want to set something on fire." 

Was the greeting Indi wasn't expecting when she waltzed into the Parker household. She had noticed the family van was gone but hadn't given it much thought. 

Not until she entered the home and found Kai at the stove, the scent of eggs, bacon, pancakes and sausage filling the house. No other sound could be heard, it was odd because unlike the eldest Parker who lived silence, the eldest Drabek despised it.

"Where's everyone?" Indi furrowed her eyebrows as she plopped herself onto the kitchen counter, watching Kai cook. "Since when did you start cooking anything besides spaghetti?"

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