Chapter 3

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 "Come down to visit me already Y/N?" Eric asked in English with a dark laugh. Watching him through the small window on the iron door made you feel more confident, "still have that scar I gave you that night? I had lots of fun... seeing you-"

"Shut up," you said forcefully also in English . Eric stopped talking and looked up at you with an evil smirk, "what are you doing in Korea?" You asked.

"Straight to business, you haven't changed one bit since you've lived in America," he said, "at least you haven't forgotten English."

"When I ask a question I expect answers from you," you said. He looked at you with an amused look.

"I came to take back what's rightfully mine, those guards of yours did an awfully good job catching me but this just makes me able to manipulate you even easier. I'm right on your property and there's nothing you can do about it until the government takes me to prison. Not that they'll have any good charges, you never tattled on me when we were dating," Eric said, "such a good girl."

"Nothing here in Korea is rightfully yours you piece of garbage," You seethed. Eric flung his head back in laughter.

"I can't wait to see the day when you squirm under me again while I carefully unbutton that shirt of yours and gaze upon that beautiful body once again," Eric said, you clenched your jaw and glared at him, he stood up and went to the door staring right back at you, straight in the eye, "seeing you like this turns me on babe, I just can't wait until you touch me in all the right places again." He ran his tongue along his top teeth and dropped his gaze down to your chest where he could see down your shirt. You buttoned up your shirt and walked away. He began to laugh relentlessly as you exited. His words rang in your head over and over again, just like they used to, I just can't wait until you touch me in all the right places again. That jerk was a psychopath.

You went back into the main building where everyone was gathered in the living room playing board games. I can stay strong for them. Yoongi and Mihee looked up and you, Yoongi smiled and Mihee waved. You gave your best forced smile and walked past going into your and Yoongi's room and laying on the bed. Yoongi walked in and sat down next to you.

"It's not safe for Mihee to have Eric on the property," You said as a tear fell from your eye, "we need to send her with the boys somewhere safe, maybe to live with Jungkook, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jin."

"What did he say?" Yoongi asked putting his hand over yours, you flinched away causing a pained yet understanding look to arise in Yoongi's face.

"He said he has me right where he wants me, that he can manipulate me because he's on the property," you launched into an entire explanation of what he said to you.

"And I thought you used to hate me," Yoongi said with a chuckle.

"This is serious Yoongi! What if he gets out and takes Mihee? What are we supposed to do if he takes her from us?" You asked, tears began to form in your eyes. Even through your seven years of marriage Yoongi had never seen you cry this often, "I don't know if I could handle myself."

Yoongi stayed quiet for a bit, "Mihee wanted to show you the dance Hoseok taught her, if you won't smile for me, at least smile for her."

You both stood up and left the room. You plastered your best smile on as Mihee ran up to you and started blabbing about some meaningless dance stuff. She lead you to the dance studio and began to dance. You clapped robotically as your eyes wandered outside to the holding area. You could see Eric's arm hanging out of the barrel window, he was watching you in the dance studio. Yoongi noticed and turned you around. When you looked back at Eric he was laughing through the window. Yoongi took you back up to your room and then disappeared. When you looked out your window into the back yard Yoongi was making his way to the holding area. He spoke to the guards and they let him in.

(Yoongi's mind POV)

"Here to speak on behalf of your s-stuttering wife," Eric asked laying on his bed and looking at Yoongi. He laughed a little bit.

"Don't think you have anything over either of us," Yoongi said, he turned to the guard, "open it." The guard took the key and opened the iron door and Eric gained more interest in Yoongi as he sat up in his cot.

"Getting brave are we?" Eric asked.

"Your Korean is horrible," Yoongi said.

"Good thing that little broad of yours speaks English," Eric said, "it's the most beautiful language to hear her moans in." Yoongi grabbed Eric by the collar and punched him in the face three times. Eric wiped blood off of the side of his lip with his sleeve.

"Don't you dare," Yoongi seethed practically throwing Eric onto the ground, "if you touch her or Mihee you will die so you understand?" Yoongi left the cell... "make him suffer," he mumbled to the guards.

"What was that?!" Eric yelled to Yoongi, two guards entered the cell.

"It was good talking to you, even if I couldn't understand half of what you said," Yoongi said. Another guard closed the iron door. Yoongi heard a zap and then a scream. He smiled and left the holding cell.

(Your POV)

You were standing in a dark room, nothing could penetrate it. It was like someone bunched a black blanket around you.

"Y/N baby... Babe..." Eric's voice penetrated through the silence, he was saying all of the little names he used to call you.You looked down and your feet were in water. You looked around trying to find the source of the sound splashing through the water. You could see a light but then you fell into the water, but you could still breath, "then I'll make you love me... I'll force it out of you... I'm doing this for you Y/N... do what I say and you won't get hurt... I just can't wait for you to touch me in all the right places again... squirm under me... see that beautiful body once again... claim what's rightfully mine... such a good girl..." now his voice was in that same tone that he would use right before attacking you, that deep growl that used to sent butterflies through your stomach but now made you freeze in place as a bucket of glacier water was poured down your spine.

You heard movement and suddenly arms came at you from all directions, two took your ankles and two took your wrists lifting you out of the water and making you completely defenseless as the other hands roamed your body, suddenly you were in that same skirt and button up shirt you were on the day you got the scar. One hand slid up your leg, another one reached under your shirt, two more unbuttoned your shirt. One more took your hair. You screamed out into the darkness for help. Suddenly all of the arms disappeared causing you to fall back into the shallow water.

"Y/N? Get up," Eric's voice said...

"Y/N?" Someone was holding you and shaking you.

"GET OFF OF ME!" You screamed pushing whoever it was off of you. When you looked Yoongi was crying as he stood next to your bed.

"I'm not like him Y/N..." Yoongi said softly as his tears splattered onto the carpet, "I'm not..." Yoongi began walking out your mind was yelling at you to go after him but your body wouldn't move as your mouth opened and closed as you racked your mind to say anything. When the door clicked you started bawling. Yoongi didn't come into the room for the rest of the night. You tossed and turned as the same nightmare of his voice in the dark room, and then all the hands roaming your body as each new threat he made played through your mind.

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