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Today at school feeling bored as per usual and realized no one understand you better than you. Only you could help myself. It all begins with, you how could we not see this. All my life we've been alone even when we were small, wasn't accepted by anyone, no one liked you but they used you. Your fascinations were for books, but now you don't miss them. When you grow up you start liking boys. Yes those dangerous creatures that takes the most important things from you in less than one minute, or so we were led to believe. You ended up with dating 24 boys and kissed 3, yes 3. You may think your a whore but look at it as just testing waters and collecting data! You were never interested into intercourse and its not because you weren't good enough but, because you have never been sexually attracted to any boy. That is why you dated so many of those creatures. Now no one knows this, but its the truth and your not gay either because you don't like girls .

So you ask yourself am I normal or am I extraordinary? You're still trying to figure this out

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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