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2:10 AM.

a thought seungwan never had. why am i awake this late? she stared at the time on her phone. a sigh escaped. she didn't even know what seulgi looked like. that's not safe to let her inside her own house when she doesn't even know her. seungwan likes to believe she knows her though.

she knows seulgi. but those are just basic facts about her. she's korean with little knowledge on english. some of her phrases don't make sense or she'll slip up with korean on her. they exchanged addresses once discovering they both lived in the same city. her favourite colour is yellow. she favours in dancing and art. and she likes to read. that's the whole reason seungwan met her, for a book.

SW: seulgi promise me you'll stay

SG: i promise

there it was again. her faster than the speed of light replies and the flutter of seungwan's heart.

SW: do you believe in fate seulgi

the message bubble was a give away that she was hesitating. it would blink on then disappear and it did that for a minute.

SG: for you i'd believe anything

SW: that wasn't the question seul

SG: i do

a smile curved the corners of her lips. if seulgi believes in fate and seungwan believes in fate then surely it was meant to be.

SW: i love you seulgi

SG: you don't

why does she do that? why does she always deny seungwan's ever-growing feelings for her? she shrugged it off once the thought came and resumed her attention on her phone.

SW: seulgi yah~

SG: time for cuddles and ramyun?

SW: yep now hurry!

just as per routine seungwan was soundly sleeping cuddled with her bear by the time seulgi came around. seulgi was okay with this. seulgi didn't mind that seungwan wasn't aware of her appearance or her soft embrace. seulgi was glad that seungwan didn't fall in love with her every breath and the soft peaceful crevices of her delicate beauty.

seulgi didn't want to imagine what it was like staring into seungwan's eyes knowing that if they could only be open, she'd be suffocating in the brilliantly astounding galaxies lost within. seulgi didn't want to imagine the crescents seungwan's eyes must form when she smiles. she didn't want to imagine her smile. it wasn't like she could help it because unfortunately she imagined all of those things.

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