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Dear Hayden,

Sometimes I think
How is it possible
To fall in love with someone
You just only talked once
I don't know exactly
When I fell in love with you
Maybe it was love at first sight
But I don't regret the moment
I fell for you
It was Sunday afternoon
When I was returning
From the church
When I saw you walking
In the direction
Of the Headway lake
You were clutching
A glass bottle with a lid
Near you chest
As if it was
The most precious thing
In the world
There was a paper in the bottle
You were deep in thoughts
I could see the sadness
In your eyes
And I felt my heart
Sinking in my chest
And turned on my heels
And followed you
You jumped from the fence
And walked near the lake
I silently followed you
You kept on looking at the bottle
For sometime
Then you throw it in the river
And in a second
The bottle flowed away
with the water
You were shaking Hayds
You sit in the grass
And covered you face
With your hands
You were crying
I couldn't stand
Looking at you in pain
I came close to you
And put my hand
On your shoulder
You turned you head
And looked at me
Your eyes were filled with tears
You looked startled
Then you asked wiping your tears
"What are you doing here Maryline?"
I sat beside you
And looked
Into your baby brown eyes
Gleaming with tears
"I am here to comfort you Hayden"
I whispered
For the first time in my life
I didn't felt scared
Talking to you
I put my hand on yours
Your hand tensed under my touch
And then relaxed after a moment
You looked at our hands
Then looked back
At the flowing water of the lake

"I wrote a letter to my mother. She died from cancer five years ago. I believe that this lake will take my letter to my mother"

You told me in a weak voice

"you miss her", I whispered softly

"yes I do. I know it sounds stupid
sending letter to dead but I believe in it",you said looking at me

"I believe you Hayden",I whispered

That afternoon we spend
Looking at the water of the lake
Non of us uttered a word
My hand resting on yours
Till the sky turned dark
And the stars came out


Thanks for reading the chapter.  I hope You like it . If you did then



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lots of love JB :)

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