Name: "Oh, my name is Yami Akumukuro. But, call me Akumukuro, just to start off as friends...!" She smiled, brightly.
Age: "I'm twenty-two."
Gender: "I'm a female, of course."
Sexuality: "To me, it doesn't matter how the person looks, or how old they are. It's how they are...on the inside..." (Pansexual.)
"...? Oh, yeah, my hair color isn't exactly common. I don't know why it's like this, either..."
Personality: "I care about the people who are close to me and will go to great lengths to protect them. I'm also...a bit of a bookworm, d-don't judge...!" She giggled, lightly blushing in embarrassment. "Hmm...what else...?" (Is cheerful and compassionate on the outside. Very brave, smart, and loving, too. But, on the'll find out...)
Species: "Human, and proud!" She grinned. (Half-Ghoul, if you can't tell.)
Height: "I am 5'8.25"...!" She exclaimed, proudly.
Habits: "Hm...I bend my fingers backwards with my thumb to pop them...wh-when...I...l-lie..? W..Why did I say that...? O-Oh, sorry, I also tap my foot as a "kick-drum", I'm a!"
Other: "I am apart of the CCG, and I am an aspiring horror novelist! I have ADHD and high-functioning Autism!" (Has no memory of her past...?)
Scenario 1: Make it up. (Scenario's will be created for the character.)