Felix Felicis | SKZ Felix

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Annyeong. I love it when he says the word while entering the classroom. And I hate it when he says it before leaving. How come the same word makes me feel two different sorts of emotion? Couldn't the etymologists select two separate words? This sure can be frustrating.

Right, just like the Italian word 'ciao'.

What the heck, Baek JaeHee? It's been only a week that you've been admitted into a new school and you already started crushing over a guy who sits beside you every weekdays?

Oh please. He's not just any guy. He's Lee Felix. LOL. The way I stated he's not just any guy, the readers might wonder if I'm introducing John Cena as my long-lost pal to the general public. Well the muscle-man's middle name is Felix though.

Okay, where was I? Felix. He bears the meaning of his name so well. He's literally a happy-go-lucky boy. Smiles so beautifully while greeting everyone. Spreads positive energy all the time. And here I am. Completely opposite. Depressed sober human being with all the dark thoughts kept inside my brain.

But hey, opposite attracts, right? Does he believe it too? I wonder how he feels about me. Nothing special I guess. I mean come on, what can he think about a random girl who started attending his school mid-semester? Just like everyone else I bet. Sigh...

Dear diary, do you know that this boy can make my depression fly away just in a second with his smile and greeting?

Dear diary, will he ever know that?

Stop expecting too much. He'll never know. Unless I tell him by myself. Which I'll never be able to bring myself to do. So basically it's a sad ending.

"Hey!" I got startled. It was Felix. With his damn hot deep voice. Not to mention the Australian accent. "What are you contemplating on with a long face?" He took his seat beside mine.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Oh, okay." He seemed a bit skeptical.

Well at least you can see his pretty face almost everyday. Yeah JaeHee, consider yourself lucky that the teacher fixed your seat beside him. You don't have to confess. Not so early at least. For now, let's just enjoy his unearthly features. Him... He has a pretty face. And those absolutely cute freckles. And also gives a dark aura which is hot AF! What the heck dude? This is unreal. How can a human being show all sorts of charms at the same time? Gosh.

Man! I'm acting like a creepy stalker. But for now, let's just brush this fact away.

"Here," he handed me a water bottle. Crap, did he notice that I was stalking him?

"What is it for?" I tried to regain my composure. And acted a bit confused.

"Oh, come on. I thought you'd get used to it by now. And chill. The bottle's new. I haven't opened it yet." He laughed heartily.

"Oh that." I nodded slowly.

To be honest, I wouldn't mind if you drank from it though.

Let me explain. Whenever his friends are feeling melancholic, he somehow senses it. And offers water, soda, juice, coffee, milk, basically anything to drink. He likes to call them 'Felix Felicis'. That's right. The name's been taken from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. The liquid is also known as the 'Liquid Luck'. It's a potion which increases the luck of the drinker. The drink is considered like a good luck charm. Though he jokes not to chug the full bottle at once since excessive consumption of the liquid luck might have its own consequences. What a kid! I find this gesture of his very adorable.

I took a sip from the bottle.

"Keep it to yourself. You'll be needing it later." He grinned at me.

"What about you? Don't you need luck?" I was playing along with him.

Felix Felicis | SKZ Felix ✓Where stories live. Discover now