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1 week later

Serenity 🍇🎗

"Sereni-Damn girl, if you don't get your ass down here!! Don't make me call you one more time!!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

Ugh I thought as I rolled my eyes while I finished packing up my last bit of stuff.

I tried to finish packing yesterday but I got tired/lazy/bored of doing it. I just wasn't having it at the moment.

I finished packing my last bit of stuff and hurtled out my room and down the stairs to a angry mother.

"My plane is almost here and your acting like a handicapp." My mom complained as she hurried me out the house.

She went to the trunk of her car and pressed a button on her car key, popping the trunk. She placed all her suitcases and bags inside before closing and locking it back. She made her way over to me.

She stuck out her hand. I looked at her hand and seen a key.

"When you need something from the house, use this. Don't loose it. Remember I won't be here to open it up for you for another 2 months or so."

I sluggishly took it from her hand. She smiled and kissed my forehead and hugged me. I was very annoyed but I hug her back. Even though I'm mad I just have too. You'll never know when or IF you'll ever see them again. I have deep thanatophobia.(I honestly have thanatophobia. Comment if you don't know what that is. I'll gladly reply.)

She kissed my head once more before walking back over to her car, grtting in and starting it up.

"Well, have fun! Later, love you, bye!" She shouted from her window as if I couldn't hear her if she just talked. She getting too happy. Especially infront of me. It's not I don't wanna see my mom happy... It's just... I really wanted to go and she knew that...

She pulled out of our driveway and sped off. Damn. Not even gonna make sure ya daughter made it inside instead of getting kidnapped? I guess not.

I took a deep breath before turning on my heel and making my way over to Geky's front porch.

I knocked and waited in silence looking down as I stood with all my weight on one side of my leg with a scowl scattered across my face.

I knocked again but louder this time.

I waited for about 20 seconds spacing out before snapping back into reality realizing no one has answered yet. They didn't know I was coming or sum? Shouldn't they be looking out for me?

I felt myself get hot as my blood boiled with rage, my eyes got blurry as red started to become visabul into sight.

It just seemed as if everything was annoying me at that moment.

One thing I knew for sure was the moment they answered this door I wanted to fill them up with raging questions. Like why the hell they have a girl waiting out here in her feelings.

But I couldn't. I didn't want them to see me as a girl that has anger issues or needs to see some psychiatrist. I didn't want Gekyume to think or feel as if she shouldn't have been my friend, or see me as a future bad friend.

I knocked one more time. 3 seconds later X answers the door. He was wearing no shirt, black adidas joggers and the rim of his red hollister boxers were visabul. I gotta say a nigga was looking mighty fine.

"What?" He asked sternly.

I sighed calming down and pushed past him into the house laying my bags down on the ground.

He looked at me confused. "What's all this?"

"Didn't Geky tell you?" I asked curiously. "I'm living here for another 2-3 months."

"Your- what- no- Your living here?!" He yelled. I jumped at his change in tone of voice. I nodded slowly.

He chuckled humorously. "Nah, you gotta go." He picked up my stuff about to walk out the door with them.

"Nooooo, stop." I whined grabbing onto his arm. "I have to, my mom already left."

He sighed before placing down my bags. "Look, just stay out my way and don't talk to me alright?"

I nodd slowly one more.

He turns around and makes his way upstairs. Before he can make it half way up I call his name.


He sighs loudly. "Yes?"

"Where's Geky?" I ask.

"She went out, She should be here in about 10-20 minutes. I'll text her to let her know your here, ight?"

"K, thanks."

He runs up the stairs and back into his room closing the door.

I stand there awkwardly.

I take off my shoes and walk into the living room, placing myself on the couch they had and turn on the tv.

About 5 minutes later I hear X door open, I soon eventually hear feet thudding down the stairs.

I comes into my view as he walked infront of me and faced me.

"Nity, pick up your stuff and come." X demanded.


"Just come." He cut me off annoyed.

I hesatently get up, pick up my stuff and follow X.

We walk upstairs past Geky's room, past Jahseh's room and my eyes widen when we stop at some room.
It's has a fluffy grey and black cheetah print carpet, a queen size bed, the ceiling has lights hanging from all over the place and the walls are painted a dark purple.

I looked at him and seen he was already looking at me. He looks like he was trying to see a reaction from me. "This is where you'll be staying."

I couldn't help but smile. This room was just absolutely stunning for sure.

"Ok." I smiled brightly. "Who put this all together?"

X hummed in response and looked away from me.

"Did you put this together?" I asked raising a eyebrow.

He just looked at me and smiled.

"I like it!" I laughed.

"Thanks." he smiled looking down.

I stared at him. I just couldn't help but admire him. My eyes slowly slipped down to his body. As weird as this might sound, I always use to dream and wonder what his body felt like. It looks so dense It just wagers me to touch it. (No joke XD)

I looked back at him seeing he was already looking at me. I got caught lacking.

He bit his lip. "You like what you see?"

I put on a stupid smirk and walked into the room dropping everything on the ground.

I turn around and X was right behind me.

Before I could say anything X grabbed me harshly by the neck and walked me backwards before pushing me down on the bed.

He climbed on top of me and pinned my arms down.

My breathing started to get shakey as I started to panick. What the fuck is happening?

He started to kiss and suck on my neck. I felt myself get instantly wet. I couldn't help but let a moan out. "Mm what are you doing?~"

He ignored me and kept going. He licked me before getting off of me.

I sat up and looked at him like he was insane.

"Just had to taste you." He spoke truthfully before walking out.

The fuck. Just. Happened?

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Bye My
1250 words

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