A Night to Remember

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The days go by as if they only consist of three hours and not twenty four and so only three more days remain before the first exams, Miss Rarity's and Fluttershy's, take place. Every day since Sandbar's little confession the two spend together either being in his room or being outside and just having fun. They rarely talk about the exams, mostly because Sandbar dodges this question every single time so Gallus refrained from asking about that anymore. Today Sandbar has something really special prepared for him. Right after lunch the two males return to Sandbar's room so Gallus can continue his work he started the day before but before he gets the chance to get inside his equine friend stops him in front of his door.
"Wait", he says as he places his hoof in front of the griffon's chest to block his way, "I need to prepared something first."
He unlocks the door and quickly whizzes into his room, leaving Gallus in the hallways. He waits patiently but it feels a bit weird to stand in front of his door for what feels like an eternity (only three minutes). Suddenly the door opens again and Sandbar lets his friend inside with a faint smile on his face. The griffon enters and instantly notices some new fabrics and other objects like gemstones, buttons and patches laying on the desk. He stops in place and stares at them as his jaw dropped and Sandbar's voice rings out behind him.
"I thought you might want to try something new today so I got them from Miss Rarity."
The two males walk closer to the table so Sandbar can continue his explanation while showing his friend all the different additions to his repertoire.
"It can get boring doing the same things over and over again so I thought you could switch it up a bit. The gemstones are really hard to work with but I'm sure you can do it and watch out for the zipper. I once attached one upside down and it ruined the jacket. It worked but it looked really weird and was very uncomfortable to wear. The rest is pretty simp-"
His voice dies as he opens his mouth wider to let out a yawn.
That came... out of nowhere. He does look a bit tired today... His eyes seem a little big baggy too but I don't think I should mention it... Not the best topic to talk about.
"Sorry. The rest is pretty simple", the teal-colored pony apologizes as he repeats his last sentence and actually finishes it this time.
Gallus can't believe how much effort his friend went through but he tries to brush it off as another pony-thing even though it.
He would have done that for Yona or Smolder too...right? Of course! Don't get the wrong impression! He is a pony and that's what ponies would do for every friend. Still feels awesome though, can't deny that. I can't believe how much trouble he went through... That explains why he was late today for lunch and why he's tired. Must have woken up pretty early today.
"That's really cool! Thanks Sandy", the blue male shows his gratitude and Sandbar, who begins to blush slightly, accepts it with open arms, literally.
This time he is the one going for a friendly hug and this sudden approach catches the griffon off-guard. He feels his friend's arms around his neck, his hooves on his back and the tickling feeling of his teal-colored mane as the heat runs though their bodies. Any physical contact between them, no matter how small or unimportant it may seem to others, is a chance to fulfill their urges for the moment. They both know damn well that they can't lose control and ruin the friendship they rebuild by doing or saying something wrong. That's why those short moments are the most significant for them.
So... good..., their brains rave synchronized before the short reunion of bodies comes to an end.
The remain silent as each of them takes their old position: Sandbar on the bed and Gallus in front of the machine surrounded by his new possibilities.
Let's see... What could I try today?, the griffon-boy asks himself as he takes a closer look at all the stuff on the table.
A few patches in blue, green and pink catch his attention and he soon begins to sew them together with a pattern in his mind,
Blue, red, green, red, blue, red..., and after an hour or so he finishes something that could be used as a scarf or maybe a very long tie.
A strong feeling of joy fills his heart and especially the part of it filled with pride.
Not bad, not bad Gallus. And the colors are also great! Blue, red and g...green..., his mind stops for a second as it puts the pieces together and a blush invades his face, blue like me, green like Sandy and red like a h...heart? Was that why I choose them?! Ahhh! Even random stuff is now no longer random, great!

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