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Okay. sorry it's been a while. I have two b other stories to do as well. ugh. school is starting this week. plus color guard is killing me.


Alyssa, your boyfriend, Matt's heart stopped beating. When I was Told that. I sank to my knees. When the nurse too me to his room, he was still alive but on life support.

"Will he get out of it?" I asked. "If he's strong enough." the doctor responded.

I ran to his room while the doctors are still trying to get his heart to beat. When I walked into the room I heard the touchscreen of the heart monitor.

"Matt you have to wake up! I can't lose you too!" I yelled in between sobs.

After a few moments the doctors gave up and said his time of death. Before they took the IV off his heart beat came back.

"Unbelievable." the doctors whispered. I ran to Matt and played by his side.

"Thank you baby. I can't lose you. You mean so much to me that it hurts to see you lying in bed in the hospital like this. Now all you have to do is open your eyes. Please. I love you!"


I'm so worried he won't ever wake up again. You have no idea what it's like to lose three people that you Love all in one sitting.

I went home took a shower came back had dinner. No I'm sitting in a recliner with a pull out foot thingy.

As soon as my head hit that pillow I was gone.


"Ally I'll always be here for you." Matt said

"But you won't wake up. You need to wake up. I can't lose you too. It would kill me. You are changing me." I explained. "Alyssa, I will wake up eventually. Stop worrying." He said as he caressed my cheek.  I put my hand over his hand that was on my face.

"I love your touch. You send electricity through my body." I explained. "You do the same." He smiled.

"I knew you were b mine from the start.

I lov-" He was cut off because I woke up.


He was still laying motionless in the bed. I held his hand and stayed up watching TV hoping he would wake up.

Glancing at the clock I seen that it was 5 a.m. Fun. I only got two hours of sleep. I wasn't planning on going to school today anyways.

I grabbed my keys and left to take a shower and grab some food. When I came back. Matt was gone...


Please don't get mad at me! I know They just got together. What do yo think happened with Matt? Tell me in the comments. Please





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