❇️ judging criteria ❇️

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Hello judges ❤️

After deliberation, I decided that judges will not have a separate book, because judging details won't need too much space.


So then, here are the judging criteria:

Round 1

For the first round, judges will score the entries based on their first impression of the book. You know "don't judge a book by its cover", but truly, the cover of a book must be as appealing as its contents, and must also represent its contents.

Besides the cover, a proper blurb or synopsis is also another thing that a consumer looks at when they pick up a book before buying. That counts for something, doesn't it?

Last but not least, the first thing that a reader does once they open their book is read the first chapter (or something else, but you get my point). That's included in this round's scoring.

Score board for the first round include:
| Cover: __/5
| Blurb/synopsis: __/5
| First chapter: __/10
     • Grammar
     • Diction
     • Clarity
     • Depth and figure (Poetry only)
| Total: __/20

In this round, a third of the entries per category will be eliminated.

Round 2

Now, if the first chapter of a book is engaging enough, readers will move on.

Likewise, if your book passes the first round, the second round of this contest will judge the second and third chapter of your book.

Score board for the second round include:
| Plot and originality: __/15
| Character and setting introduction: __/10
| Linguistic operations:
     • Grammar: __/10
     • Diction: __/5
     • Clarity: __/5
     • Depth and figure (for poetry): __/5
| Total: __/45 (__/50 for Poetry)

In this round, half of the remaining entries per category will be eliminated.

Round 3

The final round of of this contest will evaluate your fourth and fifth chapters, and it will sum up the whole contest.

Score board for the final round include:
| Plot development: __/20
| Character building: __/15
| Setting clarity: __/10
| Linguistic operations: __/5
| Total: __/40

In this conclusion of the whole contest, three of the entries will be crowned as winners.

Elaboration on what will happen if a category isn't filled up on time will be discussed later on.

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