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A/N I don't own eww or hoa you don't need to read this chapter!

Nina POV:
I can't believe I've to celebrate my birthday the day after my brother falls out with me and my boyfriend dumps me ugh!

Eddie POV: (sry the last one was short
"Jax, come on its her birthday" I say to him

"I know" he says

"Just let it go for one day and then you can be angry all you want" I plead him

"No!" he yelled/whispered

"Come on, it'll be like old times" I say trying to convince him

"Old times like when You and Nina lied to me" He says mad

"Dude, I only found out a year ago" I say

"You can celebrate her birthday with her because I don't want to even look at her" Jax says getting up and leaving

"Does he really think that" Nina said in tears

I get up and hug her

"I'm sorry, I tried to talk to him" I say apologising

"It's not your fault it's mine" She says crying

"Hey, you can cry tomorrow we are celebrating today" I say trying to cheer her up

"Do we have to" she says pouting

"Yes, unless you want me to tell everyone your big secret'' I say

"You wouldn't" she says

"Maybe I just will" I say getting up from my chair

"I'll just tell Patricia your deep dark secret" she says getting up with a smirk

"Tell what" Patricia says

"That Eddie" before Nina could answer I put my hand on her mouth

"That Eddie is awesome..Oww you bit me" i say

"Don't put your hand on my mouth then and Patricia wanted to know you secret didn't you Patricia" she says smirking at Patricia

"What's weasels secret" Patricia says smirking

"If you tell Patricia i'll tell Fabian and Jax, your secret" I say arguing

"My secret isn't as bad as your secret' she says

Patricia POV:
"What are you guys talking about" I say really confused

"Eddie was in chess club" Nina says sticking her tongue out at Eddie

"Nina got expelled from Kindergarten" Eddie says sticking his tongue out

"You where in chess club that's hilarious" I said laughing my head off

"See told you" Nina says

"Now how did you get expelled from Kindergarden" I say

"Well lets just say that boy will never pull my hair again"Nina says

"It was still sore" Eddie muttered

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad" Nina says chuckling at Eddie

"You give me a black eye" Eddie says

Me and Nina started laughing our heads off

Fabians POV:

I hear noise from the kitchen so I get up and walk in

"He started crying for his mom afterwards and hugging the teacher" Nina says and her and Patricia start laughing

"Good morning Fabian" Eddie says with a smirk

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