23 || Your Reaction To A Pasta Singing "Scotty Doesn't Know"

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Credit to @_Samogitiangirl_123 for this page.

I'm not good at sign reactions so...bare with me.

♈️Aries - "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

♉️Taurus - "....You need help."

♊️Gemini - "mah JAM!!" *Starts dancing*

♋️Cancer - "Sounds like a nice so—oh...oh m—oh no...oh no no nononooooooo!"

♌️Leo - "Shut up and go sing it to Offender."

♍️Virgo - "I'm telling Slender."

♎️Libra - *Laughing*

♏️Scorpio - *Just grabs their music and blasts it over the singing.*

♐️Sagittarius - *Playing the background music while they sing and Gemini dances.*

♑️Capricorn - *Contemplating wether to shoot them or not.*

♒️Aquarius - "To this day, he still doesn't know."

♓️Pisces - " . . . . . ." *Backs away slowly*

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