Tick tock
Save yourself
Life isn't that bad
Tick tock
I may sound like a hypocrite
But stop hurting yourself
Tick tock
It's not what you deserve
I am sorry but you don't
Tick tick
Life is a roller coaster
I fear roller coasters
Due to what may go wrong
That's how life is
We fear what may go sour.
Tick tock
I promise it will get better
Life can't stay bad
The tears don't fall forever.
Pain may stay forever
Always will be painful reminders.
Tick tock
Why do I even try
It's impossible to fight back
When what you argue is what you do yourself
Tick tock
Why can't I help
Why must I always mess up
Why must life be this way
Tick tock
Human explain
I am lost and confused.
It's nothing new
But I want to know
tick tock
NouvellesTime is an amazing thing. It can do many things for us. It can age us. Can change us. Time is a fragile thing that no one seems to understand