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Y/N's P.O.S.

Grayson: tell me why you did it.

-you wipe your tears-

Y/N: I'll tell you later, but not now. I need to get to class

I walked away I looked at Emma, I realized what trick she has put on me.

-you walk inside your class-

Ms.Cyan: what took you so long y/n?

Grayson's friend: SHE HAD DIARRHEA

-everyone in the class laughs-

Grayson walked in the class after me

Grayson: I offered to buy her a drink after she came out of the restroom.

Ms.Cyan: Take your seats..

Since Grayson and I sat by each other it felt awkward or weird after all that happened..

After a few minutes later school ended, it was half day.

I was looking for Shawn in the hallways so he could open my locker, but he was with a girl I couldn't get a good look from her but she seemed familiar..

Oh shit, i thought in my head.. it was James, Emma's bestfriend.

I liked James better, he had a great personality and ugh I LOVE HIM but since I knew them both, I just walked straight up to them

Y/N: hey guys!

Shawn & James: hey!!

Emma came walking down the hallway, she shoved me in the lockers.. but who gave a fuck at that time?
We all started laughing so she rolled her eyes at us and pulled James away

James: bye kitty's!!

Y/N & Shawn: bye sister!

Emma's P.O.V.

Emma: -whispers- James, wtf I need to tell you something about Y/N.

James: okay, enough bullshit sis you need a little fix in your personality like some more sugar instead of being fucking salty.

Emma: whatever..

few mins passed, we we're on our way home cause me and James walked..

Emma: anyways, who was that hot guy?

James: Shawn?

Emma: yeah, him, he's fuckin hot.

James: well he told me he wants to hook up with his "special girl aka secret admire".. ugh

Emma: who could that be..?

James: anyone, I asked him several times and we barely met so.. yeah.

Emma: any girls too close to him..?

James: ..no

Emma: i know your lying.

James: ugh its you.

Emma: he doesn't even know me wtf.

James's P.O.V.

I was lying to her, I honestly don't know who it was but it has to be her.

I wanted to treat her wrong after all of those times she dragged me down.

(play, listen, and watch before continuing.)

Emma's P.O.V.

Today I was gonna dress extra hot so, that maybe Shawn can ask me out but before I'm gonna ask James for his number..

Emma: hey James.. do you perhaps know, Shawn's number?

James: yeah, why??

Emma: I need to talk to him

James: oh ok, (shawns number)

Emma: thanks!

James: no prob..


Emma: hey, um is this Shawn?

Shawn: yeah, who is this??

Emma: it's Emma, Emma Chamberlain
seen 10 minutes ago


I got really nervous, I've never been this nervous... maybe I- I have feelings for him..? this cannot be.. why?

to be continued...

Hey guys! Sorry for the cliffhanger what do you think is gonna happen next..?

~ angela ♡
530 words

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