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'are you ready?' taeyong asks. i nod. i hear someone squealing behind me. i turn around and sigh when i see a purple haired boy clinging onto his boyfriend, who looks like he has pain on his arm.

'i can't believe your really doing this!' the loud boy says. jisung nods. 'that's true, we never thought you'd have the balls for this,' he adds.

i roll my eyes. 'wow, thanks, i feel so loved.' jisung smiles and pats my back. 'good.'

'so, what are you going to say?' jaehyun asks. i shrug. 'probably something cheesy.' jaehyun shivers. i roll my eyes at the man. 'don't be dramatic, you know i'm not good with words,' i hiss.

jaehyun lifts his hands, like he surrendered himself. 'i'm not saying anything,' he says. i sigh and i run my hand trough my hair.

i'm asking donghyuck to be my boyfriend today.

and i'm almost peeing myself because of the nerves.

what if he doesn't really like me in that way, i mean i'm probably making things up. but what if, there is a possibility.

the doorbell rings and i shake my head, trying to get all those thoughts out of my head.

i smile and wave at my friends. 'hyuck is here, so i'm going,' i yell. 'good luck hyung!' chenle screams. i hear jisung saying something at the screaming boy and i open the door.

donghyuck stands in front of me and i immediately smile. 'hey,' i bring out. 'hey, are you ready?' he asks. i nod.

while walking trough the park, i try to think of a good way to ask it. the more i think about it, the harder it gets.

'mark, are you okay? you seem out of it today.' i look up and smile. 'what? yeah, i'm okay, totally fine.' i make a pained expression. of course, now he definitely noticed that something is off.

i tilt my head a little. 'can we find a bench, i want to tell you something.' donghyuck nods and throws his empty cup in the trash can.

we sit down on the white bench. in front of us there is a small lake, the sun reflecting on it. it looks like the water is sparkling. 'this looks cute right?' i nod. it does look cute, but the sun next to me is cuter.

i turn to the boy. 'so, i wanted to ask you something,' i say. donghyuck nods. 'yes, tell me, i'm all ears.' i smile at his cuteness.

i clear my throat. 'you know i like you, i like everything about you.' i see donghyuck's eyes widen, then he blinks. of course, this is sudden.

'i love how you always blink when you are surprised, or that thing you do with ear when your nervous.

i love it when you smile so brightly that the world seems to light up. i find your clingy ness really cute, even though i'm always pushing you away.

i like it how your eyes sparkle when you are talking about something that you enjoy. i find it amazing how serious you can be when someone needs help, advice or feels sad. and how your always there for someone.

and you are really brave and strong, and i really look up to that.'

i chuckle. 'what i'm trying to say, i really like you, more than friends should.'

i cough. 'so yeah, will you be my boyfriend?' i look at the red haired boy in front of me, who is a blushing mess.

he slowly nods. then he nods with more energy. 'of course, yes.' he bawls his fists and has a big smile plastered on his face. 'yes, yes of course.' he wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight.

i hug him back and smile. i fucking did that. i give myself a imaginary pat on the back.

'hyuck, i can't breath.' 'oh sorry!' he says and let's go of me. he smirks. 'so, you like my clingy ness huh?' he says while sitting closer to me.

i roll my eyes. 'don't make me regret saying that.' donghyuck laughs. 'so it's official now?' i ask. the boy nods happily.

i smirk and move closer. 'does that mean that i can kiss you?' i ask, lowering my voice. donghyuck gulps and nods. 'if you want to.' i smile and lean closer.

i cup his face and look at his face. 'you are absolutely beautiful.' i mumble.

i see his red ears and smile. i love the fact that i can make him this flustered. i feel my own cheeks heating up. the boy in front of me is so damn perfect.

i look at his eyes, then his cute nose and then his lips. i see every little detail and i love it. there is no flaw, everything is perfect.

i look back at his eyes. and after what felt like two full hours, i finally close the gap between us.

i press my lips against his. my hand finding its way to his jaw, softly holding it.

donghyuck seems to be a little shocked, but kisses me back. his soft lips moving against mine and his hands resting around my neck.

the taste of coffee and caramel finds its way to my mouth. i feel donghyuck smiling trough the kiss.

it's a cute kiss. the two boys sharing their love with each other.

after a few seconds i pull back. i open my eyes and look at the flustered boy. he puts his finger against his lips and looks at me shocked.

'if i can get a kiss like this everyday, i never want to leave you.'

idk if this was good, but i squealed just sayin'

[a/n]idk if this was good, but i squealed just sayin'

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