I decided to make this story cause why not but I really like this fandom and I have liked it since I was little because they show it at 12:00 in the morning.
Also I do not own KND it belong to the owner and to Cartoon Network I just own the book and...
Narrator P.O.V~ Aaron and Adam exit the doors with sector V with them and it was silent till "So who is your other members"Number 1 said "There are 3 other members and they are girls"Everyone went silent.After some time they finally got to earth and the twins started to walk away.
Adam P.O.V~ Once we got back to earth me and my brother or known as Aaron and number 55 were walking faster from those "idiots" that's what Aaron said but then went to our treehouse and waited for them.
Kuki P.O.V~ We finally see number 55 and 56 and they run fast then we thought. "Why did you leave us like that you cruddy punks"Wally said as he points at the twins. They just stay silent and went inside.
Narrator P.O.V~ After the twins went inside so did the others, "nice treehouse"Number 2 said looking around the place.As they keep walking a voice said "You know that Number 59 is not gonna be happy about this" everyone look to see a girl with long black hair with purple eyes and she had gadgets(You can chose what gadgets she has)
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"Oh hey Number 58"Aaron said waving at her,let's go Number 59 and 57 are in the meeting room.They follow them to see two girls
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"Let me guess number 362 sent you here" said the girl with the ponytail "how did you- Number 1 said "I have my ways,anyways let us introduce ourselves"she begin " I'm Number 59 or known as Leah"she said then the other girl with the long black pigtails(Just image it cause I'm too lazy) "I'm Number 57 or known as Mia"then the girl with the long black hair "I'm Number 58 or known as Danielle" and the the twins said "you know us" then all of them say together "and we're sector X
A/N:Sorry I dint post early,I was at a friends house for her little sisters birthday and her cousin is crazy,she had. A Elmo and try to stab it with scissors and I was like
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