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I honestly hated moving, I mean, who does? I hated it because of the struggle packing EVERYTHING and the mess with cardboard boxes littering the floors in the new house, with sharpie labels scribbled on the sides.
I grabbed one of the boxes off the floor that said "Faith's clothes" and dropped it onto the patchwork pattern duvet that I would definitely replace later on. That thing was hideous.
There was more than one box of my clothes but after slicing the packing tape that sealed the top I saw that it was my sweaters. I was glad it was that particular box because It was literally the first of September and I would be needing warmer clothes soon.
I started taking them out then turned around to my dresser and placed them in the second drawer. I did this with pretty much everything, except the few boxes with summer clothes that I didn't bother to open and just shoved them into the back of the small closet.
I sat down at the edge of the bed and allowed myself to fall back and close my eyes.My hair had fallen into my eyes and I tried blowing on it but it was no use so I just used my hand.
Soon enough there was a loud crashing noise and someone swearing shortly after. I quickly got up off of my bed and rushed to the threshold to see what happened and when I saw I rolled my eyes and made my way over to my brother Dillon that was carrying a box of video game controllers up the stairs. He must have tripped on the edge of the top stair because it stuck out farther than it needed to.
"Clutz." I scoffed as I leaned on the wall and crossed my arms over my chest.
He looked up and glared at me. "Shut up you're such a brat."
Woah, okay then. I just weaved my way arround him showing that I was clearly done with this exchange. I went two steps at a time down to meet my mother in the kitchen and wondering if she needed any help.
I saw her digging through a box on the counter. Her straight dark brown hair was waving in the wind coming through the open window on the other side of the room. I came up beside her slowly to not scare her.
"Hey, Mom do you need any help?" I said starting to move things around on the counter next to the box.
"No it's okay sweetie, I just forgot where I put the coffee strainers. I'll find it though." She smiled softly when I looked up at her. I returned the gesture and turned around starting to walk to the hallway.
"Wait, Mom?" I stopped in the doorway.
"Hm?" She mumbled.
"I'm done unpacking my clothes and stuff so can I go for a walk outside? 'See where things are?" I asked
She turned around and smiled again and said something along the lines of 'yeah go ahead honey' so I mumbled an ok thanks and ran to the front door.
The front door was dark brown with a stained glass window in the middle. It seemed more updated than the rest of the house. When I stepped out the door I made sure to shut it behind me. I walked down the path to the sidewalk and turned around to look back at the house.
It was an old fucking house okay.
It had white stained and cracked pillars in the front with a stupid little landing above it that was below a window.
I think I'd claim that spot for my own later.
I looked at the rest of the house and it honestly creeped me out. There were shutters and window panes missing and the white paint was peeling off.
The grass was also overgrown but that could be easily fixed but this house just really needed some serious help.
At least the inside of the house was a lot nicer than the outside but it was still sort of small. I didn't know why my mother picked this house but that wasn't any of my business.
My room was the same size as my brothers and my mom's was the biggest. Well, out of all of ours.
I turned and looked all around at the equally creepy houses across the street and the field on the other side of the trees next to my home.
I started to walk down the sidewalk towards the field and it started to get really windy, blowing my hair all over the place. It seemed it was a lot windier here than in the city.
I swear this town was so deserted I started imagining a tumble weed bouncing by. While I scanned the road ahead of me I spotted a guy that looked no older than me on the other side of the street with a blonde quiff that stuck up oddly.
He had a black hoodie pulled over the back of his head and sunglasses to match even though it wasn't even sunny.
Walking with his hands in his pockets the boy was farther ahead of me. He stopped randomly and looked both way even though I knew he knew nothing was coming, before running across the street to my side.
This boy looked slightly normal so I figured it would be okay if I made a friend. I started to jog down the side walk to him as he stopped at the utility pole on the corner. As his figure became clearer, so did the pole in front of him.
The pole was a memorial.
It was covered in bows, flowers and pictures and the bottom was surrounded by candles and other miscellaneous object that meant something.
I couldn't see what the boy was doing until he stood up again with a bundle of withering flowers in one handle and cellophane in the other.
His shoulders were slumped forward and his whole vibe was just sad. I decided not to approach him because it might upset him as I wanted to know who that memorial was for.
I turned around and ran back to my house, hoping my brother didn't destroy the house yet. Well, more than it already was.
HI I KNOW THIS TOOK AN INCREDIBLY LOOONG TIME TO gEt this up so I apologize loads.
Aye so it's finally up okay this is a shortish one srry

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