Chapter 19

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Rising Fear Part 2

Vivian's POV

I was starting to get worried for Jake and Swift, it's been about five or ten minutes and I can't seem to link them at all. My ears laid back as I looked at Bella.

"I still can't link them." I said, worriedly. She sadly shook her head.

"I can't either, I hope nothing really bad happened." Isabela said, scanning around the place. Something caught her eye, so her tail and ears raised up. "Hey, what's that..?" She pointed to the purple substance dripping from a tall rock.

"I'm not sure, let's check it out.." I said and we trotted over to it, I took a whiff of it's smell and cringed. "It smells like acid!"

Isabela took a whiff herself, "Yeah.. it smells horrible." She cringed, "What could it be, though?"

I took a small stick and dipped it into the substance, the stick melted quickly. I jumped back in shock. "Oh my goodness! I think I know where this slop came from.." I said, suspiciously.

As if on cue, we heard two screams from a distance. And a very loud growl following.

"Corruptor." We both said. We both rushed to Jake and Swift's direction.


Swift's POV

Me and Jake literally ran for our lives, we dodged trees, bushes, rocks as fast as we can. But all the Corruptor did was walk through, as its body leaked a purple substance that melted them. It's huge purple eye was narrowed at us.

"Run faster, Swift!" Jake hollered, he was ahead already. I ran faster to catch up to him, we leapt across a pond and I looked back. The Corruptor just flew over it, when the icky substance dripped onto the pond, it made the water turn black. "Don't look back!" Jake yelled.

We made a sharp turn to the right, then left, and saw a small cave behind some rocks. Jake quickly grabbed me with lightning speed, literally, and we were both in the very back of the cave.

He covered my mouth as we heard the Corruptor's growl, we could see it's shadow, it bared it's fangs and the purple substance leaked out of them. I assumed it was venom, it grunted in annoyance and flew away. We breathed quiet sighs of relief.

That was close... I said through our link.

Yeah.. Jake replied and we slowly went out of the cave, Jake's ears twitched left and right, listening for any more threats. Coast is clear..

I took a closer look at the venom that was burning the grass, "This venom could kill.." I muttered to Jake.

"Not only can it kill, it can turn any jammer or being into a Corruptor themselves." Jake said. We suddenly heard paw steps from afar.

Jake! Swift! Can you hear us?! Vivian asked through our link, panicked.

We're okay! But be quiet, the Corruptor might still be around.. Jake replied. We saw their figures and I sighed in relief when I realised they were okay.

"We were worried sick." Isabela said, flicking her tail. "We taught you guys got killed or bitten."

"We escaped it, but.. we think I might be nearby still." I said, looking around suspiciously. We all created a mini circle, our backs and tails pressed together, our ears perked up at a distant growl. "Corruptor." I muttered.

Let's check it out Vivian said in our link, we all stood up and walked towards the direction of the growl. Our paws glowed faintly as we prepared our powers to defend ourselves.

Be alert guys Isabela said, her ears laying back. We heard the growl again, but then a cry followed. What on earth..? Isabela said, eyes furrowing.

Was that a Corruptor? I asked.

Probably, but none are known to make a loud pitched cry Jake replied, confused as well. We peeked over a bush and we saw a small, motionless figure on the grass, a trail of blood dripping from it.

"That's.. an odd Corruptor.." Vivian muttered, we nodded in agreement.

"Let's check it out, but stay quiet." I said, we crept towards the small thing, Jake poked it with a stick, but it didn't budge. I poked it with my paw, but it didn't move.

"Try to turn it over.." Jake whispered, I slowly reached a paw then turned it to it's side. It had six arms, scars, and one big eye. "Wait..." Jake muttered, taking a look at it.

"It's... a Phantom!"

To Be Continued...

Who could that be? ouo

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