The maid of Mary Mansion

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We drove into the driveway and the car came to a halt. We were in front of a colossal mansion and the place seemed empty . Yet as soon as we got inside, the place was buzzing with people. The floor was shaking at the sound of foot steps and people were shouting from every corner. Finally as the door locked the servants stood still and started to send whispers to each other as they stared at me.

The shout shook the building and the sound of silence was deafening. Two well dressed people came down the stairs, followed by a shivering servant, his face pale. The tall man, one of the three well dressed who turned out to be the owner of this enormous house, came forward and I could feel his breath, it smelt awful.
"I see you brought the new servant."
He took one good look at me and stood up, his chin high.
"Good job, she's all he wanted"
He? Whose he?
"James, come here, please"
A boy about my age rushed down the stairs and halted when he saw me.
"Whose that, father?"
"Your maid, James."
"She looks so....ugly!",James spitted
"You're not ugly, but your manners are", I shouted.
"HOLD YOUR TONGUE, SLAVE!", the owner screamed.

Although I felt ashamed for saying such mean to such a high standard person, I truly meant what I said.
James had glimmering brown hair and green eyes that sparked in the dull light. He had an average teenage body and clothes made from the finest. His father on the other hand had disgusting black ink hair which looked like dog fur that had not been combed or cut in years.
"Now then, what is your name, slave?", the owner asked.
Before I could answer, the driver shouted,
"Annika Jodie, your highness"
Highness?! Was this the royal family?
I looked at the tall man and he did look like a person from the royal blood. I took the knee hesitated.
"No need to take the knee little one", said a beautiful women who was also well dressed with such a fragile tone.
She had flourishing blond hair and eyes so green they looked like emeralds. I stared at her in amazement, she was the most beautiful women I had ever seen.
She hugged me and said I was very welcome at the house.
"One question, what is your history?", she asked.Her husband gave her the bloody eye, but gave me the chance to speak.
"My name is Annika Jodie and I am 16 years old, I "
"That's enough, I think you should go up to your room. Dennis, Maria!", he called. Two servants rushed forward and showed me to my room, I thanked them and walked around the room. It was most definitely not a basement and not a cramped room either, instead it was a large bedroom with a double bed that looked like a bed for a princess. I flopped onto the bed and it felt like I was in a dream. Was this really happening, was I going to go home? I hear the door open and I look up, it was James. He locked the door behind him.
"Well, maid, it looks like you and I will have lots of fun." He jumped onto the bed.

The life of Annika JodieWhere stories live. Discover now