#18 Always here for you

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You woke up with Jungkook by your side sleeping peacefully

You then tried to get your phone on the bedside table

Then he spoke

Jungkook: Y/N.....

You turned to look at him and he was fully wake

Y/N: Yeah...

Jungkook: Are you mad that I went here without your permission?

You shook your head

Y/N: I'm not kookie....actually I'm really happy to see you

He smiles and hugs me

I was taken aback but I immediately warmed in his hug

Jungkook: Y/N I want us to be back together......when can we be?

Y/N: I don't know.....what if we ask my dad to come over to talk about it

He nods and I got my phone out to call my dad

Ring Ring....

Dad: Hello?

Y/N: Dad can you come over?

Dad: Sure! What do you want to talk about sweety?

Y/N: It's about me and Jungkook....

Dad: Ok....I'll be there

Then he hung up

Jungkook: What did he say?

Y/N: He's coming over

Jungkook: I'm nervous

Y/N: It's ok my dad won't bite I'm sure he'll understand

Jungkook: Well if your sure then I trust you

We both smiled at each other

Then there was a knock on the door

I got up to get it

I opened the door and it was my dad

Dad: I'm here let's get started

I motioned for him to come in.
He went in and sat next to Jungkook on the couch

Dad: How have you been doing Jungkook?

Jungkook: I've been doing good sir

My dad smiles and Jungkook smiles back at him

Dad: Now what do you guys want to talk about?

Y/N: Dad it's about getting back together

When I said it we all went silent

Dad: I knew that you were gonna ask me about this.......

Y/N: But....

Dad: Well if you guys really want to get back then I let you guys get back together

Me and Jungkook looked at each other and smile

My dad smiles as well

Dad: I just want you both to be happy

Y/N: Thank you dad~

I hug my dad and he hugs me back

After my dad bid goodbye to us and left the house

Jungkook: Finally we're back!

I laugh and he laughs with me

Y/N: Look how happy you are

Jungkook: In always happy when I talk to you

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