Part 6 At the Hospital

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Part 6

At the Hospital

Liam nodded. "You're probably the one he will want to see... We'll stay here and talk to Zayn." he said while Harry went with the paramedics.

Inside Louis' head he was in another world. 'What the heck...?' Louis said, as he woke up (or so he thought he was awake). Around him, there was nothing. It was white and when he spoke, it echoed throughout the empty room. 'Harry?' he called out, but his own voice bounced back at him. Never in his life did he feel so alone. 'Am I dead?' he thought to himself as he curled up in a corner, & started to cry.

Meanwhile, outside of Louis’ head, Harry was sitting next to Louis’ bed when he noticed Louis start to thrash around and tears starting to run down his cheeks. He yells to the paramedics and grabs Louis’ hand. Louis calms down a bit.

The ambulance, after about 7 minutes of turning street corners, made it to the hospital. They efficiently check Louis in & brought him to his own room, where a nurse attached an IV into his arm to keep him hydrated, and a doctor stood by taking notes.

Harry sat next to Louis the whole time, his head in his hands muttering "This is allmy fault..." He left Louis side only for a minute to call Lou's mom, tell her what was going on and not to worry. He sighed and hung up the phone. He sat down next to Louis again and looked up at the doctor. "He's gonna be fine right?"

The doctor took out his notepad, scribbling some things down, "He should be, but we'll need to run a CatScan once he has woken up to make sure there is no damage to the brain. There could be something that may cause seizures if we don't give him a CatScan."

Harry nods trying to stay calm."It's probably just a concussion... Nothing to worry about... right?" he thought to himself. The doctor left, saying that they'll be back in about an hour, because within that time Lou' should have woken up. Harry nodded again and the doctor left. "Great." he thought, "Now I have nothing to take my mind off of things." He pulled out his phone and looked around for things to Instagram.

Louis, after about 15minutes of being knocked out, started to twitch a little showing signs of consciousness. Harry turned and looked at him then hurried back over to his bed. "Louis??" he whispered hopefully. Inside his head, Louis’ world was black but he heard Harry call his name. “Harry…? Harry where are you?” he said aloud without knowing he did. His eyes weren’t open though. Harry started to get excited "Louis! I'm right here Boo!" he said laying his hand on Louis arm.

Louis felt something touch his arm & realized Harry’s voice was coming from next to him. His eyes slowly fluttered open. His head turned towards where Harry was. At first his vision was blurry but it soon came into focus. "..Harry?..." he asked his eyes partially open. "Lou! Yeah it's Harry!" Harry said smiling. “Hey he's awake!" Harry yelled hoping the doctor would hear him. The doctor wasn’t close by though because he said he'd be back in an hour. "Where am I?" Louis asked, looking around. He saw the IV. "And why the bloody heck is this in my arm? Wot happened?"

"Well... You're in the hospital and that’s so you stay hydrated." Harry said pointing to the IV. "Your mum is on her way…do you remember anything that happened?" Harry asked not wanting to explain.

"Umm, well..." Louis' eyes widened a bit as flashbacks from about an hour more or less ago flipped through his mind, from Harry getting upset to Zayn screaming at him. He looked like he was about to cry. "Oh...Harry..." he said with a tired, breathless tone and buried his face in his hands. The IV pinched him but he didn’t care at the moment. "Yeah..." Harry pulled his hands away. "Why are you hiding your face? You didn't do anything wrong. This is my fault..."

"No, Harry, please…" Louis took back one Harry's hands and held it. Louis' grip was weak, which Harry could tell. "It's my fault...I should've asked for your consent..." Tears welled up in his eyes, "Will you forgive me, Harry?"

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