Chapter Two- Morning

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Asher awoke in the morning to the sound of a shower running in the bathroom. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, a bit confused on where he was for a few seconds before he remembered what happened the night before.
He got up, moved some messy brown hair off his forehead, and looked out the window. It was still raining, but there wasn't as much wind, which he supposed was good.
He was interrupted by the bathroom door opening and letting out a cloud of steam and an unclothed Hanna. She finished rubbing water off her hair with a towel and let out a satisfied sigh.
"Oh man, hot showers are so nice," She said contently to herself before turning around and jumping a bit at seeing Asher awake, "Oh, well good morning." Hanna wrapped herself in the towel and made her way to where she'd hung her clothes. She wasn't totally uncomfortable with him seeing her naked, though- with how many adventures they'd been on together, it wasn't the first time.
"Morning." Asher said as Hanna slipped on her clothes, which were dry from being hung over a vent all night, "Sleep well?"
"Yeah, I've had better nights but after that adventure last night I slept like a rock." She replied.
"Same. Have a nice shower?" Asher asked her.
"Yeah, after a night in cold wet clothes it was amazing."
"Is there a reason you didn't bring your clothes into the bathroom?"
"Honestly it just slipped my mind," Hanna shrugged, "I thought you'd still be asleep. Oh well, wasn't the first time."
"Yeah," Asher laughed, "It's like that time we got caught in a blizzard at that hotel."
"Haha that was fun," Sarina giggled, "That road trip with Wesley and Eric where they got stranded at the walmart in town while we were stuck in that room without power or food for four days."
"It was five days, though," Asher jokingly corrected her, "But yeah, I should go shower, too." He walked over to get his clothes and went into the bathroom.

As Asher was finishing and putting on his shirt, he heard Hanna call him from outside the bathroom.
"What's up?" He opened the door as he finished smoothing out his shirt.
"Not that tree," Hanna said as she pointed out the window. She was right- the wind had blown a nearby tree down and it had crushed their car's front end.
"Wow..." Asher wasn't sure how to react, "How didn't we notice that?"
"I guess we just tuned out the sound of falling trees last night. How are we gonna get home now?"
"I can try calling someone..." Asher took out his phone, praying it wasn't waterlogged, then sighed. "No service." He said, "Towers must be down."
"Great. What're we supposed to do now?" Hanna pouted slightly. Suddenly, a deep groan eminated from under the slightly ruffled purple top she was wearing.
"Probably try to find some breakfast," Asher laughed, pointing at the exposed inch or two of her midsection.
"Sounds good to me," Hanna rubbed her stomach gently, "God, I don't think we've eaten anything since lunch yesterday."
Asher rubbed his own stomach too, "Yeah, I'm starving."
They went into the house's small kitchen and looked in the cabinets and fridge only to find that there was no food anywhere.
"Now why would they not keep any food anywhere in the house?" Hanna said, slightly pissed, while patting her even more pissed stomach in an effort to keep it calm.
"It's off-season. They probably just take it all back home for the fall." Asher looked in vain in the last cabinet.
"Ugh, I'm so hungry." Hanna held her moaning stomach as she plopped down on the couch and looked at the clock, "Look, it's been twenty-two hours since we stopped at that Hardee's, and even there I only had half of a chicken sandwich because we had a late breakfast."
"Oh yeah," Asher was about to poke fun at her, "As I remember, I told you to finish it because I thought we were going to have a late dinner."
"I know, I'm really regretting that now."
"So, we're stuck in a house with no car, no cell service, and no food in the pouring rain. Got any ideas on how we can pass the time?" Asher sat down on the couch next to where Hanna was laying.
"We could do what we normally do when neither of us has eaten in a while..." Hanna suggested, moving her head from next to Asher's leg onto his stomach as it let out a hungry gurgle.
Asher laid down a little more to make his stomach a more comfortable pillow, "I like that idea." Hanna's head pressed against his empty stomach felt nice.
Asher and Hanna both liked listening to each other's stomach noises, and they had for a long time.
Hanna looked up at Asher's face, her ear still pressed up against his stomach, "You know what this reminds me of?"
"What's that?"
"Fourth grade, recess, you know, after Coach Gilroy's PE class?"
"Oh yeah," Asher's mind flashed back to the year they became friends.

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