Oh good god

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I had stepped through the doors to the school. It was the first day back and I walked to class pulling my sleeves farther down as I walked to class.

"Aw, I see some of you are back. Welcome!" Mr.Biersack spoke as the first bell rang. I groaned and puts my ear buds in and played my music. See, I've had a crush on him since I started high school. It was going to be fun.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I look at the person. I blush when I see Mr.Biersack's face almost right in front of me. "Abrie, I want to see you after class. And since you haven't listened you have extra work."

This year is going to be fun...

                  ~•after class~•

The bell rang and I ran for the door. "Abrie I do believe I told you to stay after class. Am I correct?" Shit. "Yes sir." I seen him visabley stiffen. After everyone left I went to sit by his desk. "Now why won't you listen during class?" To lie or not lie is the challenge of the day

So I'm going to make a chapter for lying(nothing) and not lying(fluff). So you can read both or the one you want. Good luck with him! I will also update or try to every Tuesday or Saturday.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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Andy Beirsack X Reader(Abrie) (Mr.Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now