2. New look?

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I hear the faint sound of the bells going off. The races start. In a blink of my eye, The filled classroom empties in record time. "Hey hyung!" Hyung-Sik looks over at me, "What brat?" I smile at him. 

"You know what, I don't want to know. Hurry up if you want a lift." I grab my bag and want to his side. He rests his arm on my shoulder. We get into his car. "What do you want?" He asks, "Can I steal some of your clothes? I need a new look." He raises an eyebrow. "My dad is bringing his new girlfriend over." He then understands. 

"You might actually like this one, Yu. Don't automatically assume that you won't." I sigh and say, "I don't know what you are talking about, I have liked all of my soon-to-be-mums." He raises an eyebrow, I continue. "They just liked me more than dad." He starts to ruffle my hair. 

The best thing about Hyung-Sik. He doesn't judge people. He is kind and loves everyone. Everyone believes that we are dating but that didn't break our friendship, it makes it stronger. We even joke about it sometimes." 

He knows everything about me, my darkest secrets. I am thankful for him because he is my guardian angel. "Come on, we have the house to ourselves," He breaks me out of my thoughts, "Oh baby, be gentle," I say. We both start laughing as we get out of the car. He opens the door to his house. I run upstairs into his room and jump on his bed. He finally gets upstairs and rolls his eyes. 

He starts to search through his closet. Suddenly, I get covered in his clothes. He smiles at the clothes he has selected for me. "Try them on." He orders me, I sigh and start to take off my clothes. He watches as my Hour-glass figure stands out. "It's a shame that no one can apparate your body." He states randomly. He always says this when he sees my body.  I start putting on the cream turtleneck and tie a checkered shirt around my waist and put on my skinny jeans. 

He starts squealing. I laugh at him but then my phones go off, I sigh and answer, "Where are you!" I sigh and say, "I was talking to my teacher about me being late because you needed to talk to me, Hyung is giving me a lift now." I hung up and sigh. I look over at Sik-shii. He had already put all of my school clothes in my bag. I hug him, pulling away and walking downstairs. I sigh as we both get in his car and he starts to drive me home. 

I watch the scenery flash past me, Secretly wishing that it would go slower, so I could see every detail. I didn't want to leave Hyung-Sik. Soon, I recognize the scenery, my wish coming true. Then we come to a stop. "Thanks." I get out of the car. 

"Call me after!" He shouts before he leaves me. 

I walk up to my house, Ignoring the strang cars in my driveway. I open the door, "YU!" I sigh and place my bag down and walk into the dining room. My dad was shocked by my appearance, "I'm Choi Yu, a pleasure to meet you." 

A kind smile plastered on my face. The woman sitting at the table gives me a gummy smile. "Hello, I'm going to be your mother." I nod and look at the male sitting down. "I'm Min Yoongi." I look at him. I knew he was older than me, I walk over and sit next to him. 

"I can't wait to get to know you both, Mother. Yoongi-hyung." 

Step-brother or bother? | Suga x readerWhere stories live. Discover now