The Anti's

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Danyelle: Umm what.
Me: A demon. Can you handle it?
Danyelle: I hope I can.
Carlos: Really one demon that's nothing.
Me: I wish I could say that but, she's pretty strong.
Carlos: You sure your not just weak, Omega.
Me: That's impossible because I beat you up when you sided with Mrs.Coleman. Also you can't call me Omega because I didn't agree to being in the pack.
Jennifer: Anyways, where should we go to find her.
Me: I mean it would make sense for it to  in the Demon Realm but, she would expect that so she would move to the human realm where we are right now but, what if---
Nayeli: What if you stop talking and let me help you.
Me: I was busy.
Ada: You were rambling again.
Me: Oh ok, so how can you help us.
Nayeli: You own me anyways I saved you from Mrs.Coleman.
Me: Fine, where's the Demon.
Nayeli: The demon realm.
Me: Well that was easy.
Ashley: Problem to make a portal to the Demon realm I need DNA from a demon.
All of us looked towards Nayeli.
Nayeli: I don't have every answer. You need to find out how to get that yourself.
Me: But, she's in the demon realm. Wait hold on, stay still Nayeli.
I walked up to Nayeli and grabbed a lose hair from her shoulder.
Nayeli: What are you doing?
Me: You had a hair on your shoulder.
Ashley: Let me see that.
Me: Ok.
Ashley looked at the hair.
Ashley: This is our ticket to the demon realm it's Mrs.Colemans hair.
Nayeli: You sure it's not one of the werewolves hair they shead a lot.
Ashley: Yeah it's not werewolf hairs have a certain color on the tips.
Nayeli: Your smart.
Ashley: Thanks.
Me: *Whispers in Angies ear* Is it bad that I ship Ash and Nayeli.
Angie: I would ship it.
Ashley: Anyways all I have to do is drop a few Dragon tears on the hair and we will have an alter.
[1 hour later]
Me: *Snores*
Ashley: I'm done guys.
Me: Huh? Oh come on let's go.
We all jumped into the alter. And it was dark empty void. Until I landed face first into the floor.
Me: Ow.
Angie: We were wondering when you would come down.
Ada: There's a lot of guards in the front. Cindy Kj can you take them out for us.
Cindy: Alright.
Cindy and Kj attacked the 7 guard's and we when inside but, Cindy and Kj stayed back so we wouldn't be ambushed. A lot more walking later we all made it to the throne room where Mrs.Coleman was sitting on a throne. Violet was standing next to the throne wearing purple and black armor with a spear in her hand. Alan was on the other side wearing the same armor.
Mrs.Coleman had this creepy grin on her face.
Mrs.Coleman: So Wolfie and her friends are here to defeat me Huh? You should've been like Alan and just given in.
Danyelle walked behind me and said
Danyelle: I thought you said it was just a demon not our science teacher.
Me: Heh, I guess I forgot.
Danyelle: Grrr your  lucky I'll still fight and not leave.
Me: Aww thanks for being a friend.
Mrs.Coleman: So who will my loyal guards take down first.
Carlos: I can take both of them on. Come at me bro.
Mrs.Coleman snapped her fingers and the two of them ran towards Carlos at full speed with spears.
Me: Danyelle Kaisy go help Carlos.
Danyelle: Got it.
Danyelle and Kaisy helped Carlos out it was now Ada,Angie,Ashley, and I against Mrs.Coleman.
Mrs.Coleman: So come at me. Or should I make this painful for you.
Me: Grr.
I ran at her in wolf form and she threw me to the side.
Mrs.Coleman: Hah you should've learned from your wolf friends.
Before she could react Ada and Angie tackled Mrs.Coleman to the ground.
Mrs.Coleman: Grr Violet get these pests off of me.
Danyelle: I don't think she can help you. She's a little tied up with Alan.
Mrs.Coleman: Grr I could've had it all, wait. CLONES ASSEMBLE!!
Three exact copies of us dropped from the ceiling.
Anita: Heh you called.
Me: Woah this is creepy.
Angie: Yeah it is.
Angelina: Who you calling creepy.
Ada: Why are you here.
Alice: We were summoned idiot.
Ashley: Wait where is mine.
Hailey: I'm behind you idiot.
Ashley: That's harsh man.
Hailey: I live to be the opposite of you.
Mrs.Coleman: I didn't make you to just stand there get them.
Anita: Yes Alpha.

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