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Stretching stretching his arm below him, he tried to touch the apical of the merry-go-around. Exhaling a wintry breath, his hair drifted along with the breeze.

"if only you are here." he whispered, his eyes soaking.

"yoongi!" a brunet called, dashing into the woods, enthralling the older to follow him.

"wait up, taehyung!" the elder cried as he tailed him.

A bitter laugh escaped the endangered boy on the verge of the roof. He aspired to weep, to sob but he could not bring himself to do so, his voice was too-cracked for another breakdown.

Sighing, he smiled briefly," I miss you."

Shadowing the younger, they reached a circus, it seemed somewhat hidden, special and magical. At least it had the power to lure the two in.

Blinking away the phosphenes, yoongi switched his courtesy to the teen beside him, the distinctive boxy smile, which naturally made his gummy smile grew.

Yoongi looked at the same location from a height m, but he saw no similarities. Nothing was sparkling like how he remembered it to be. The colourful, festive atmosphere all vanished.

"come on then, what are you waiting for?" taehyung asked as he held out his hand.

glancing at the offered palm, yoongi memorised every features, from the tiniest to the most obvious. The light was never too blinding when he was with him.

The lucent appeared too bright in the raven's eyes, annihilation was identical to his recalls, making him question his own sanity.

Taking the bid aquiescently, he beamed.

Without turning his head to meet gaze with the more-aged, he strode forward like a bold little tiger.

His hair fiery and firm, the complete definition for his character. Smiling at Taehyung's undisguised behaviour, Yoongi commenced to look forward too, not gazing back once.

Yoongi's smile dissipated as the tip his lips were pulled downhill, just like his sentiments. Perceiving the view of the carnival alone made his blood boiled.

In his eyes, it is now all but aesthetic, he despised it so much that he could simply crush it with his piled emotions.

Booth after booth, he was hauled around the festival, something that you would never expect the black-haired to allow, especially to someone less-aged than him.

"hey, Yoons, let's fetch the candyfloss, shall we?" taehyung asked,knowing the answer before hand- the more-aged does not own a choice anyway.

He nodded carelessly, taehyung would never betray him. So he never held any safety barriers amidst them.

Staring directly at the exact aforesaid, his eyes darkened, "it's your fault."

He pivoted around, could not care less about the dent he made with his heel. "just you wait. Tae, it will be okay soon. Nothing will haunt you anymore."

Pacing towards the access, he left behind his feelings for a bit, at least till tomorrow or some sort like that.

A petite smirk stuck on his lips, as his orbs glinted slightly in the dim moonlight.

It is okay now, he told himself.

If only that was true.

Another tale.



Tired out!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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