| Unknown World |

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{Your POV}

Darkness is all I could see, my mind soon began being anxious, my eyes watered, the one thing I hated the most was being stuck in a small dark room.

I don't really remember why but my breath started picking up as I wanted to scream, shout, cry even!

Just to be free from this small dark space.

Before I could think about ways to find an escape, a bright light blinded me. I closed my eyes, as the light hurt my eyes from being in the dark, slowly adjusting to the light around me I noticed there were these beautiful butterflies flying around me, they called themselves Rukh.

How did I know, well one of them just spoke and now they are arguing and something.

Aren't they supposed to, I don't know help me? Like in any story the main characters have a being lead them to their destiny!

Na, that sounds too dramatic for me and my lazy ass. I may have been here only for a few minutes but I already want to just, lay down and take a nap.

Some information about the Rukh, some are dark while the others are light! This feels so much like a tale from one those cliche books, so they gonna lead me some place to stay or do I just... fly around?

I decided to ask them if they knew where we were but they had no idea which isn't helping much with your anxiety levels seeing as you have never been here in your whole, small, life.

“Protect your brothers as I couldn't, my dear. They too are magi's... ” a voice spoke and sounded like your older sister which is kind of weird seeing as you have no memory of having one but, your mind does what it wants to.

It clearly doesn't want you to remember anything and watch you die in the middle of nowhere by not being useful when you need it to be.

'Brothers? And they are magi's'? Ugh so I have to find two male with either light or dark Rukh around them... Brain help me out here, please.' you thought to yourself and the rukh heard your cries for desperate help, you blushed in embarrassment that they heard the last bit and were starting to wonder... Is that your purpose?

'Am I only here to protect the two? What is my reason to exist in this world?' you couldn't help but think, making the dark Rukh around you increase.

You looked around and realized you were in a big field, filled with flowers and few large trees with no town's or village's around, all as far as you could see from where you stood that is.

'Wait! Am I even wearing anything?!' you thought in panic as you looked down expecting the worse, only to be greeted with a not too fancy but still flexible clothing which you could easily fight in, if the situation like that occurred that is.

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