Its Okay

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After her Demon form took over, Ghostly went on a rampage. Slashing and attacking antyhing and everything. Including herself. Lilly heard crashes and bangs from the home as she entered. She investigated. Finding Ghostly in their room ripping apart the bed. Her skin had deep gashes from her own attacks. Her neck, legs, stomach and tail. Bloodied from the wounds. Lilly tried once to stop her. Only to get a wound of her own.
Eventually Lilly got Ghostly to calm down and fixed up their wounds. They sat in their living room, droplets of blood on the floor around them. But they didn't care. Lilly told Ghostly "it was okay!" And she "still loves her!"
Ghostly felt happier. And soon learned to keep her Demon in check, and how to control her new side.

 And soon learned to keep her Demon in check, and how to control her new side

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