chapter 1

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James was sitting on his couch, staring down at a piece of paper he had just scratched with a coin. A wide smile quickly appeared on his face as his eyes scanned the paper. The young man leaped up off of the couch, yelling out with joy, "I won! I won the lottery! I can't believe it! Three million dollars! I know exactly what I'll purchase with this money." After a couple weeks or so, James had already picked up his money and deposited it into his bank account. A flight set for 10:00AM was taking off that morning, and he had bought a ticket for one of the seats.

It was currently 9:00AM and James was on his way to the airport, all of his luggage safely packed in his car. Once he had arrived, James quickly climbed onto the plane after waiting a few minutes in the waiting room. Once the plane had taken off, the young man happily peered out the window, watching as the world around him grew smaller and smaller with each passing minute. "Ah, it's about time I took a vacation." He said softly to himself.  

The young man had drifted to sleep without realizing it when suddenly he was awakened by blaring alarms and a broadcasted voice through the plane's intercom. "Everyone stay calm. Please stay in your seats, we're having a few technical difficulties. We'll be back on course shortly.

"James quickly began  grab on to the seat in front of him to panic. He shifted over to look out the window and watched as the ground beneath the plane grew closer and closer. The plane was descending fast, straight into the ocean. People were screaming and freaking out. With a great splash the plane landed in the ocean.

James’ head smashed on the window, knocking him unconscious, he wakes up gasping for air. He wipes the blood off his forehead and tries to stand up, but the rocking of the plane is making it hard to do. He stands up and walks down the aisle to see who is alive and who’s not. He checks the pulse of the young lady with long black hair a few rows down who was the only one still breathing. James woke her up and asked her, “What's your name ma'am?”

“My name is Rosaleen. Why? What happened? Where are we?” She replied frantically.

“The plane crashed in the ocean; There is no land in site. Come on, we need to find something to get us off this plane.” James says, softly.

“First, let’s find the first aid kit for that gash on your head; We’ll not get anything done if you pass out due to blood loss,” Rosaleen says.

She gets up and starts towards the cockpit. Comes back with the first aid kit.

“Sit here so I can clean it”. She motions for him to sit next to the dead flight attendant. He obeys her and sits.

As she cleans his cut she says “We need to see what we can do with all these bodies I would really hate to have to leave them here to rot”.

James says “We could let them go in the ocean or put them in the luggage area”.

She says “If we put them in the luggage area it will start to smell “. As she cleans up the mess from the first aid kit, James starts dragging the bodies to the side door, pushing them out. As fast as he pushes them out, a twenty foot great white shark crashes through the water and takes the bodies away in one bite.  James jumps back in fright and bumps into Rosaleen and crashes into the other side of the plane. The plane starts to rock. Rosaleen grabs on to James so she doesn't fall again. The plane settles back to its slow rock. They find nuts and water in the snack cabinet. They sleep next to each other for three or four nights before the gentle rocking that has been putting them to sleep stops late one night. James looks out of one of the windows and sees the moon shining off a beach and yells “Rosaleen to come look, we hit land” they both cheer with joy.  James tells Rosaleen.“Stay here let me see if I can find firewood while the moon is bright, it would be nice to sleep by some heat, how long ago was it since we crashed?”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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