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Four months ago, when I turned 14, I started having blurred vision and major migraines. It was unusual because I normally never had headaches. I was nauseous all the time and I had to vomit constantly. I also had very dry skin. I didn't think anything of it at that time.

Three months ago, I still thought it would pass but it only got worse. The pain was unbearable and pain killers were my daily need. In addition to my indescribable pain I also started to see less and I started to have double vision.

Two months ago, my mom and I consulted an eye doctor, he didn't know what was wrong so he sent me to the hospital to do some scans and tests. I didn't know what they were for. I just wanted to be healthy again. I wanted that happy, free and careless girl I once was back.

One month ago, the scans were evaluated. I was diagnosed with Craniopharyngioma, a brain cancer. Cancer had taken my fathers life and his death almost tore my mothers heart apart. I didn't want it to take mine as well because I know she wouldn't survive it. I was going to fight back.

Today, is the day of my surgery.

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