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jiwoo rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she sat up in bed. her alarm had gone off, meaning that it was time for her nightly coffee from her favorite café, d-1 new. it was currently 11:30 pm so she began to get dressed. she threw on a pair of sweats with a matching sweater. her roommate, jungeun, knew of these midnight adventures but never said anything. jiwoo figured it was either because she didn't notice or didn't care.

jiwoo exited her dorm room and made her way to the building door. curfew isn't until till 2am so she had plenty of time. jiwoo prefered to walk to the cafe rather than drive even though her car was parked in the parking lot a few feet away. walking gave jiwoo space to think or just silence. the rumble of her car didn't give her that peace of mind. besides, the café was only three minutes away.

looking up, jiwoo read over the sign as she always did before opening the door. the ringing of the bells and aroma of coffee and baked goods put a smile on the petite redhead. that's mainly why jiwoo loved to come. she didn't only come at 12am, she sometimes came during the day when she was studying, after class, or if she was having a bad day.

jiwoo smiled softly as she walked to the counter. there was no one there but she could hear movement in the back. she waited patiently until a tall brunette woman walked from the back. she looked a bit overwhelmed, her cheeks flushed with cherry and her hair frazzled. jiwoo would've guessed something...weird, but she noticed the flour that scattered the floor and trailed to the back room. jiwoo glanced up and her mouth nearly dropped, if she didn't have self control, at the face of the barista.

jiwoo had never seen as gorgeous as the young worker. her hair was parted down the middle, smile as bright as the sun, and eyes as sweet as candy. jiwoo stared in awe, not noticing the fact that the girl had called out to her.

"excuse me, miss? are you okay?" she asked a little louder and jiwoo finally realized that she had been staring and a blush ran across her face. "sorry, i was thinking," jiwoo muttered, using the quick excuse that came to her head. the young woman nodded, "that's fine. do you know what you would like to order?" she asked in a polite voice.

"you're new here?" jiwoo asked. every worker here knew what her order was, she was a regular customer. the barista nodded timidly. "it's obvious huh?" she asked and turned to look at the flour that was still on the floor while scratching the back of her neck. "oh no, i wasn't referring to that. i meant that everyone that works here knows my order but don't worry, i would like a vanilla cappuccino with two cream filled cookies," jiwoo said with a bright smile. she looked at the taller girl's name tag. sooyoung. jiwoo liked the name, it fit her.

jiwoo already had the correct amount of money out, handing it in before sooyoung could even ask for it. the taller girl raised her eyebrows at this. "well, you weren't lying when you said you're a regular customer," she said with a small laugh. a frown was placed upon jiwoo's face.

"you thought i was lying?" she asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. sooyoung's smile dropped and she began to shake her head frantically. "no, that's not what i- i meant- i'll just go get your order ready," she muttered and hurried to fix jiwoo's drink and grab her food. the younger girl then walked to her favorite booth and sat in it, waiting for her items. the café was empty so it didn't take sooyoung long to get everything ready.

"here's your order, thank you for stopping by d-1 new," sooyoung said and placed the drink and cookies on the table. "thank you, sooyoung," jiwoo said and the taller girl smiled and nodded in appreciation. jiwoo watched as sooyoung walked away, a content smile on her face.


the second night jiwoo showed up, she was a tad bit early.

jiwoo was never early.

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