Chapter 40: Cue the James Bond Music

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"You haven't truly lived until you've loved deeply. And you haven't loved deeply until you know you'd die for someone. And that is how I love I would die for you. And the worst part is I do. A little bit more every day." ~Ranata Suzuki

Marlene sat in the corner of her room, head on her knees. Tears dropped off her chin, landing on the picture clenched in her hand. The door opened, revealing a disheveled Sirius. "Marley?" His eyes rested on her form, and he rushed to her side. "Oh, sweetheart." She gripped his shirt, sobs falling from her mouth. "It's been a year. A year! And I haven't gotten to hold her, see her....I just want to see my baby!" Sirius held her tightly. "I know. I know, baby. But we chose this. We chose her."

Marlene shakily laid out two plates and silverware, before turning back to the kitchen. "Dumbledore offered me a new assignment." Sirius continued stirring the sauce on the stove. "Are you going to take it?" Marlene wrapped her arms around him, resting her cheek on his back. "I was going to. We leave tomorrow." He nodded, knowing if he spoke, he would explode. "You're angry, aren't you." Sirius whirled around. "Of course I'm angry! We talked about how dangerous missions are, and how it's not fair to people who have someone!" Marlene rubbed her arm awkwardly. "What if I don't have someone?" Sirius dropped the spoon into the pot. "Is this your way of breaking up with me? If so, I will stop you right there. It's my turn to break up with you." She nodded, an awkward smile on her lips. "After all these years, you still hate me for that, huh?" Sirius grabbed her waist yanking her toward him, and kissed her shocked lips. "Promise me you won't die without saying goodbye." Marlene rested her forehead against his. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Marlene ran through the woods like a frightened deer; bleeding from numerous cuts on her body, her clothing covered in holes. Tripping, she fell to the ground, only to be met with a face only seen in nightmares.

Marlene lay in a dirty cell, chained to the wall. Blood caked her hair and cheek; her clothes torn and covered in filth. Bellatrix kicked her in the ribs, a sharp crack sounding. "Wake up, blood traitor." She spat the words as though she said something truly disgusting. Marlene slowly got to her knees, a sneer on her face. "It's a pleasant evening, isn't it, Bella?" The witch slapped Marlene, her head jerking to the side. Marlene spat blood out of her mouth, looking at her captor once again. "Tell me about the resistance!! Where are they?" Marlene smiled pleasantly, "You know, it's a pity that you weren't like your sister. Andy is such a peach." For her words, Bella whipped out her wand, screaming the torture curse into the air. Marlene's body convulsed across the ground and she screamed, almost inhumanly. "Do you have any less words, kitty cat?" Marlene looked up at Bella through a fog of pain. "I'll see you in hell, Bella. And when you arrive, I'll be the queen. I'll be planning your punishments until that day." Anger shown on Bella's face, and she grabbed the knife on the table beside her, pushing it mercilessly into the soft flesh of Marlene's chest. Marlene's mouth opened in an 'o' as Bella twisted it. Letting go, Bella left the knife in her, jutting from her sternum, and placed an object into her hands; a portkey. The world swirled around Marlene, and she landed in a heap on a familiar carpet. "Marley??" Looking up at her love's face, she smiled. "I told you I would say goodbye."

Author's Note
I could tell you about how I lose my breath when I see you, or how my face turns fifty shades of pink, but that would be a lie. When you wink at me, my heart stutters, and an awkward smile lights up my face when we text. And even though you teammate fractured my dominant hand, I still want to see you. I'm crazy about you, as silly as that is to say. I only wish that you would see me for who I truly am.

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